Sexy canadean (

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You trudged through the Canadian Arctic more hours than you could count (you can only count to 4) Your STUPID boyfriend America dumped you and kicked you out of his helicopter here and you have no fucking clue where you are. Soon you fall iver into the 63745 feet of snow collapsed from exhauston......

You prey to god that someone will save you and you see sometjing in the distance. A puppy!!! Awww eee cute and good what a cute good little puppy its white little puppyso fuzzy cute nevermind  its a poler bear! Your eye s had deceved you and the pole bear ws coming STRAIGHT FOR YOU

You creamed for help whbe suddenly from the snow a tall man in red flannel he was so sexy and smelled so good nevermind he smelle like mary wanna😐 then
he holded up

an ax and CUT THE PILER BEAR in half it was so hot. He look down at your ugly ass frozen in the snow and grabb your hand "Sorry about the bear eh let me help you out i insist" his muscles Throbbed wowza... he was so much better than silly america who had NO MUSCLE because he sat on his porch all day and drinked beer and went fishing 🙁so you smiled but you didnt becaus eyour face was paralised

He picked you up and walked 3858mph yhroughthe snow all the way to a wooden cabin ass thing there was so many moose and hockey

countryhumans x reader (SMUT)😳😳😳😳Where stories live. Discover now