hot sexy chillis date

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You and americca arrived at  Chilis after driving for like 4 hours probably. You couldnt help but look at his defined asscheeks as he stepped out of the cybertruck like holy shit you could hear them clap every time he took a step.

When you walkd into the restaurant you were greeted by a shirtless guy smiling and holding a phone in front of him

"hi welcome to chilis" he said to you and murica. He took you two to your table and you both ordered your food. "I would like the molten lava cake please" Americum said seductively. "And id like chicken crispers plz" You said blushing your toes off

"Ok coming right up lovebirdss " the shirtless guy said smiling and walk away. Then you heard a scream "AAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" it say. America shook his head "smh people dont know when to shut the fRICK up im sorry baby" he sighed and put his hand on ur thigh.

You moand and he smiled "Omggg bb were at chilis not now hehe.. unless..." He said hotly. But suddenly germany walk up to your table and growld and his ears leaning back because Germany is a furry right now. "GRRRRRRR AMERICA I AM NOW GOING TO KILL YOU UND SMASH A PLATE AGAINST YOUR HEAD" he barked and grabbed a plate. "No" america said and germany dissapeared. Everyone went on like nothing happened.

You hugged your fatass american boyfriend sexy and smile. "We should do a secks america lol" you said blushing so hard that your entire fucking face was red like you look like a god damn  tomato holy shit 

 "We should do a secks america lol" you said blushing so hard that your entire fucking face was red like you look like a god damn  tomato holy shit 

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So america pined you against the chilis table and.....



Find out next time and something about dragon balls zee...

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