cadndadas furrypbasement😶

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Canana was gonenfor so long.... you tried again to go in the basment because thesmell wass soooo srong ewie

you got Up and opened the door it is not locked shhut up🇧🇲whatthe fuck flag is that why is that there and you went down the stair......

it was  long stair and it took SO long to go down. Finally, as your hot sexy feet touched the hard cold floor of the basement you loooked around...

Everywere was people in funny leateher suits, handcuffs, collars, dog costumes, all of it

Ther was all smocking the weed marijana everywhere!! You got scared because theysmslled like piss and stepped backward, but you felt your back press against someone.

"what are gou doing down here kitten" the big cananda said....
"uh uhm uhm i - i- i- uhm🥺🥺🥺" you did the fignger thing 👉👈
He shakedhis head and closes the door.

"You've seen the forbidden. Now you must become the forbidden." He pulled out a whip and a mega 20 inch dong, and you never saw the light of day again.

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⏰ Last updated: May 02, 2022 ⏰

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