Chapter 1 The Spark

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A/N: Hello lovelies! Ok so I've been reading far more than I've been writing and looking back on this particular work seeing as it's my most well received. I'm MORTIFIED. I started this at least 2 years maybe 3 years ago and it's so jumpy that I feel like I can't write a good sequel til I clean this one up a bit so bare with me.
Thank you to all who read in the future
~3 years ago~
Well this was it, my life had finally come to a boring stand still in the middle of no where and when I say no where I mean nothing, for miles! Just a run down bar on a one lane road surrounded by trees and cut off from the rest of the world it seems. That's exactly how I felt right now unhappy, cut off.

See I didn't fit in that much at home and certainly not with my friends who I adored deeply. I never blamed them, it was my own damn fault for being so painfully awkward, my confidence led to me coming off as arrogant with a superiority complex I didn't notice until I walked away from a conversation. I'd cringe at the thought of how I embarrassed myself in front of my friends but I never apologized because I was worried that would come out forced. I guess that's what I get for staying locked up in the cellar of my childhood home for around 50 years before breaking free only to find my beloved brothers locked in a stalemate as far from each other as inhumanly possible. They eventually came together but things were still rocky, and then the lovely Elena showed up...

Hi my name is Melody Salvatore a sarcastic, somewhat confident but not particularly motivated vampire who could really use another glass of bourbon, a taste I acquired from my more wild brother. Damon and I were as thick as thieves when we were growing up but after thinking I was dead for those 50 years and blaming my brother for the loss of their shared love (gag) we drifted. After mentioning that him and Stefan should come together during one of their isolation periods we had an argument that soon led to our isolation. Suddenly that changed and coming back to Mystic Falls was especially strange.

Apparently I jumped in right as the preverbal crap was hitting the fan. And instead of being the doting heroic sister to stay and fight through the pain with them....I bailed.

Yeah, yeah I know 'how could I?!' Simple, I wasn't too overly fond of Nik and when he came to town only to tell me he had daggered my friend Elijah, the only one Original I cared to spend time with. So we fought, I got my ass kicked and Nik threatened to completely rip out Elijah's heart if I stayed. Though I know he would never, it gave me the excuse to get out of everyone's way. I had become a liability to my brothers who already worried enough about Elena.

The saddest part? No one stopped me, no one asked me to stay or reassured me I wasn't in the way which let my fears grow more over time and that's how I ended up at a bar drinking like a fish.


My head hung low as the bell above the door rang letting in probably another poor loser here to drown their sorrows like me. A traitorous tear escaped my eye and I glared at it as it slid down the glass below. I vigorously wiped my eyes before setting my face in a permanent scowl to ward off people trying to "show me a good time." I grimaced at the thought.

When the seat two down from me squeak I let out a long sigh. This was a favorite tact of my brothers, never sit too close otherwise you come off as desperate. Wait for the girl to take a sip of her drink then ask what it is. If it's something you like you order yourself one and offer a another to her, if it's too fruity recommend one of your favorites and again offer her the drink she has. This was the mind numbingly stupid approach Damon used those few times during the grungy 90s I saw him. He'd eventually leave with a caked up blonde and I'd finish a drink before...finding another kind of drink. So that's what I thought this guy was doing but surprisingly this time it was different.

I didn't realize at that moment this one man would turn my frown upside down  I only realized him when he didn't use  my brothers tactic. I quickly glanced at him out of the corner of my eye; He was tall with sandy blond hair and bright green eyes showing signs of earlier drinking and lack of sleep. He was dressed in many layers of leather and plaid which was odd seeing how it was early June in Virginia. He didn't even remotely glance at me but he seemed somewhat harmless in his state and I was curious about that gunpowder and leather smell completely engulfing him.

"Hi" I said, a bit more hoarse than I intended but too late now. I cleared my throat quickly, inwardly praying he wouldn't notice my puffy eyes and red nose. He looked over assessing me but thankfully didn't comment on anything. I could've left him alone there but I was just too curious he seemed familiar almost. Not in a hey I've seen you from the grocery store way more in a I know you aren't a normal guy kinda way so I just sat there hoping my gaze would make him open up.

When he saw I still patiently awaited a reply he sighed heavily taking a moment to debate whether or not he wanted to respond. I sat there waiting a few more moments and almost turned back but then he scooted on his stool so he was angled a little more towards me. That's when I noticed the gun instantly knowing he was a hunter but I didn't say anything just smiled hoping he didn't see the please don't kill me look in my eye. Hunters were notorious for killing vampires, mostly the lesser bloodline of mutated vampires who act more animalistic and have little control over themselves but still, he wouldn't know the difference I was just a monster to him. What if someone knew what I was and sent him here to kill me? I mean I don't think I had that many enemies and Nik would never send anyone after me to kill me, at the very least he just finds me mildly annoying especially after aiding my brothers in their efforts to take him down.

My thoughts drifted but quickly came back when he cleared his throat. "Look sweet heart you seem real nice but I ain't really in the mood." He says in a deep husky voice looking at me like I just asked him to take me home. It took me a moment to register the fact that he actually believed I was trying to hit on him before I lost it.

I snorted and cackled for a few minutes while he looked at me like I've lost my mind. I wiped my very real tears away before responding, " Don't get me wrong big guy you seem cool but I'm not some desperate chick tryna score tonight cause she's lonely. I'm just curious as to why a hunter spends all his time in a bar? I mean don't you guys do anything else?" I inwardly screamed at my stupidity. My words stumbled out before I could control them! I played it cool though not wanting to blow my cover I tried to think up a story. He looked at me with surprise but I just stuck out my hand before he could say anymore, "I'm Melody." I chirped forcing a grin.

"Dean." He says with a smirk.

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