Chapter 27 The ties that bind

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"Hey what's going on?" I said walking up to Damon who was standing outside the hotel. He had told me to meet him here the sunny, clear skies bringing out his icy blue eyes as they met my emerald ones. He smirked and gave me a hug before responding. "Stefan wasn't that tricky it just took me and Elena a bit of time with him isolated away from Caroline. Now we're trying to get her emotions back by making her think Stefan's are still off and maybe he can get her to flip the switch since he's her trigger." "Sounds good why the hotel though?"
"They're locked in a room inside. Come on Alaric and Jo are here too." I followed him into the cute little hotel with floral wallpaper and small tables around every corner with a vase of flowers on them making it seem like the walls themselves were made of sweet smelling flowers. When we found Alaric and Jo sitting at a window a few feet away from the room I quickly ran to give Alaric a big hug then Jo a gentler one as Kai had told me she was pregnant as well. "Congrats on getting knocked up by Kai." Alaric said jokingly giving me his signature smile. "Thanks. I guess? Wasn't really in the books for me till I went hybrid hopefully it won't be too difficult to raise." "Yeah if you can tame him you can tame anything." Jo said with a warm smile elbowing Alaric in the ribs for his bluntness. "Thanks Joe. Oh and I really need to get an ultra sound whenever you can pencil me in would be great just in case a regular doctor finds tiny wings I don't want them having a heart attack." I laugh at the thought and they laugh along thankfully so I didn't feel as crazy as I sounded. "Of course I will. How bout tomorrow around 12-ish?" "Sounds great thanks so much." And with that I gave her a hug. Damon returned from checking on Care and Stefan, "They're still not flipping the switch so you're up Mel." He said giving an encouraging pat on the back before turning me to face their door and gently pushing me forward. "Knock, knock." I said the way Care normally use to. "Ugh the hormonal chickens here." Caroline huffed in annoyance her cheeks sunken and paled from lack of blood. "Great maybe if we throw water on her she'll melt." Stefan said in the same tone but a apologetic glint in his eye as he stared me down equally as drained from the current events. "Yes it's always lovely to see you two I just came to check up on you not to crash your party again." I said with a smirk before Carolina sped to the door reaching her arm between the bars probably to claw my eyes out but I caught her off guard as I snatched her arm and twisted it til she yelped and pulled it back in. I flashed my glowing red eyes at her before speaking again. "Well at least you feel pain." She gave me a bitchy smile before it turned into a snarl as her arm healed, I think I broke it and burned it all with in a few seconds. I guess I was a lot stronger and we all knew it, which is why Care distanced herself from the door before speaking again. "Hybrids are always so pompous. You should really get off your high horse and remember how many times you've flipped the switch. Even now you're hiding behind your powers and your psychotic boyfriend/baby daddy." I smiled my eyes still aglow as I sneaked a peak at Stefan who was cowering on the bed probably praying I don't kill her. "Caroline as much as I find your weak and petty argument hilarious I don't feel like humoring you today so I see y'all are fine in here and imma go and hop on my high horse with my sexy psycho baby daddy and wait for your apology to come." And with a strategic hair flip I only learned from her I walked off down the hall as she yelled profanely after me.
"Jesus she's exhausting." I say still hearing her from a story or two up. "Yeah I'm actually starting to miss the old her. You know when her outfit was more important than most of our lives in her eyes." Damon remarked only half kidding. "Where are you off to today little sis?" "No idea. Probably just back home maybe go visit Kai or make him come over who knows maybe I'll go visit the scull." "Ok we'll be careful." And with that I gave each of them a hug and Alaric and Damon each gave a quick peck on the head before I headed for the house. Once there I dropped my keys and my jacket at the door and sped to my room only to flop down onto my bed. I laid there for a few minutes before realizing I still wanted to talk to Kai about the twin thing and about Bonnie but I also didn't want him getting upset. "Maybe I should just take and independent day for myself." I grumble before jumping back off the bed and grabbing my phone, sketchbook and pencils before stowing them in my back and slinging it over my shoulder. I grab my keys and jacket once more and I race to the scull on my motorbike.
There seemed to be no sign of the mess Caroline and Stefan had created from the other day and things were perfectly normal. As I thudded up the steps in my heavy biker boots I texted Enzo updating him once again on everything going on and how I'd hope we'd hang out soon. I slid my phone back in my pocket and sighed in disappointment as my regular spot in the corner of the upstairs balcony had been taken over by two college students in cheerleading uniform. I rolled my eyes at they're stereotypical high pony tails and judgy glares as I shuffled over to the other side of the balcony I unloaded the contents of my bag and got to work. Flipping through my book I smiled at all the sketches of Sam, Dean, and even some of Cas and Crowley as I had gotten this particular sketch pad for Christmas one year from Crowley with a very neat hand written note on how I was his favorite of the group. When I found a blank page I got out a pencil lowering it gently on the untouched paper as I began drawing what had haunted my dreams for a while. By the time I had finished sketching then refining then added color and shading my master piece was finished and my hand was sore. I was so caught up in my work I barley noticed the hand shaking my shoulder as I had started to drift off into sleep. "Uh, mam' were closing." I scrawny pimply faced kid no more than 21 told me gently. As I turned to face him I stretched and I heard his pulse beat faster, I quickly grabbed my things and jogged down to the door not saying a word. As I slung my bag over my shoulder and sat on my bike I checked my phone and the 20 messages I already had but the number was gradually climbing. "It's only 12 and it's not like I can drink why are they so worried?" I grumbled as I quickly texted everyone back and revved up my bike to race back home.

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