Chapter 22 Fiery Rain

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"Kai can you come up here for a minute?" I shout down from my bedroom door knowing if he couldn't hear me Damon could so it didn't matter. Elena and Caroline gave me a few reassuring words and set the tests down on the counter top passing Kai and not looking him in the eye. When they shut the door he quickly ran to me engulfing me in a massive hug and apologizing profusely thinking he freaked me out with saying "I love you". "Hey it's ok just sit and don't freak out."

He gave me a confused look but obeyed and sat on the edge of the bed as I paced in front of him glad that Damon had cleaned up the vomit and most of the feathers while I was in the bathroom. I took a deep breath and continued, "Ok remember how I told you about me scaring?" He still looked confused but gave a small laugh,  "Yeah. Why?"
"Well, that means I'm more kinda human-ish and can do things I couldn't as a normal vampire." "What does that mean?" "Well Phoenixes can sorta  .....procreate." As soon as the words left my mouth his amazingly tanned complexion turned a sickly white. "And you didn't wear a condom our first night together, not that you knew it's just...." I was looking down at my feet now unable to look at him in case all that was there was anger. My heart started to shatter as the minutes ticked by in silence each second feeling like a tiny shard was ripping through my chest as I braced for the worst.

"What will it be then? A Phoenix or a witch? Guess we'll just have to wait and see right?" He said breathlessly laughing as my head shot up probably with an idiotic dumbfounded expression on it as Kai looked at me with loving eyes and were those tears? I didn't know, hell I didn't care I jumped into his arms and threw my legs around him all while laughing and crying like the hysterical woman I was going to become. As we stayed like that I wiped my tears and looked him in the eye finally saying it back, "I love you too."
Stefan and Caroline had left soon after the baby news with Caroline already planing a baby shower , everybody congratulating me on being an idiot and Damon, a bit enraged with Kai had left to cool down and was helping the sheriff with her unsolved cases before she...retired. It was tragic but it reminded me that I really needed to stop by sometime soon and check on her. It was also Jeremy's last day in Mystic Falls sadly and my heart broke a little at the thought of one of the last humans around the place leaving for good but..."Hey, what's wrong?" Kai asked for the billionth time now on hyper drive since he knew I was carrying his heir to the covens hypothetical throne .

"Kai, you do realize I'm a 170 year old Vampire-Phoenix hybrid. If I'm not laying on the ground with a stake in my abdomen I'm fine." I said trying to remain serious as he started laughing. "Ok, but if this little guys gonna be the next coven leader he's gotta have a fairly sane mother I'm just worried about you that's all. You know I don't care about much but I know I definitely don't want you going off the deep end just because after 170 years of being undead you're going to be a mother."

Even after confessing he cared solely about me and for reminding me how crazy my life had become in the last few months all I could say was, "So you think it's going to be a boy?" Causing him to go into a fit of adorable laughter again. "Also what's this thing going to be supernaturally? A witch? A Phoenix? A vampire? Or maybe the first ever triple threat?! I mean could you imagine us taking care of a blood sucking, fire shooting, vanishing infant?!" I was hyperventilating without realizing and Kai was trying to calm me all while trying to contain his own fear/laughter. "I got to make a call." I said standing up from my seat at the kitchen table. I quickly gave Kai a quick kiss and grabbed my phone stepping through the front door and walking out into the front yard.

While dialing I started shaking a bit trying to build enough nerve to keep my voice steady. "Melody?" Sam's gruff voice came though the cell and I held back a cry, sheer relief washing over me as I answered him."Hey Sammy how are you." I said failing miserably at keeping my voice steady. "I'm good is something wrong? Where are you? Why did you leave?" I guess Cas didn't say anything and I couldn't tell if that was a good or bad thing. "Uh, no I'm good it's just things got complicated back home and they needed me back up here but I kinda need to ask a favor now." "Yeah, anything." "I need to know what the bunker has on Vampires and Phoenixes especially Phoenixes and how they procreate." "Are you dealing with a case up there?" "Uh kinda, I'll be there in a few days though to get my stuff and the books." "Ok see you later then." "Oh and please don't tell Dean or Cas especially Cas." "Can I ask why?" "I'll explain when I get there just please Sammy." "Yeah sure." "Ok, bye."

I know Cas said never come back but the boys were a big part of my life no matter how short the time it had seemed in my overall lifetime, they still held a special place in my heart and if they hated me after my visit then that was ok, I just needed to properly say goodbye first and I needed to make sure I could do the whole pregnancy deal. "Now how in the hell am I going to convince Kai to let me go to Kansas." I said making my way back to the house. And if one thing was for sure it was that I was going to prep myself for fighting an angel even if I once was completely in love with him, that was all gone. Ever since that moment he looked at me with disgust like I was no more than dirt on his shoes. It felt like a century ago though it had only been a few months I wondered if the boys had changed as much as I had.
"Ok. Ok besides vampire pancakes, what do you think my cravings are gonna be." Elena and Jeremy had left to go out after Kai had to practically rip me off of Jer as I was crying and repeatedly saying, "please don't go." Now me and Kai were laying on the couch in the living room, I was sitting between his legs with my head on his shoulder and my back pressed to his chest as he absentmindedly traced patterns on my stomach. Every few minutes I'd recognize either a flower or a football in his patterns then he'd go back to drawing random swirls and whatnot. "Hmmm pork rinds." Was all he said making me ponder it for a moment then laugh. "Do you think it'll like blood? Or will it be like reverse twilight and I'll hack it back up." "What's twilight?" He said pausing in his pattern. "Oh trust me sweet heart you don't want to know." "Whatever you say angel." He said causing me to giggle once more as he kissed behind my ear. Oh how I love pet names that don't consist of "baby" or "baby-girl" ugh, last guy to try that ended up being lunch back when I was an emotionless wreck with bad dating/killing tendencies.

"No I think you'll still be able to drink blood though you did vomit after drinking it this morning." "This is true. Ok now I know it's a little early but can we talk names?" "Of course! Whatever you want." "Good! So should we set some rules like do you name it if it's a boy and I get girl or do I get first name and you get middle and what are we going to do with last name?!" I suddenly went cold, I forgot about the whole we aren't married deal, hell I didn't even know if I was ready for marriage I loved my Salvatore last name would he make me give it up? He must have sensed my distress because he started rubbing my arms comfortingly and kissing my temple. "We don't have to do anything you don't want to do." "Kai Parker are you giving me control?" "Oh god who am I?" He said making me turn around and laugh into his chest. When I calmed down again I wrapped my arms around his torso and looked up at him, admiring the fact that so many had feared him so much they locked him away and here I was with him wrapped around my finger.

"What about you becoming a Salvatore? It's a really cool and rare name, much classier then Parker." He cracked a sly grin and cocked an eyebrow causing me to realize I just basically proposed to the guy. I was blushing like crazy now. "I-I m-mean I'm not asking you to marry me right this second I'm just saying I think the kid should have a badass name and Parker isn't really badass." I stuttered nervously. "Hey, I made it badass." He said puffing up his chest, his pride suffocating me as it radiated causing me to roll my eyes." "Ok hot stuff tone it down a notch the neighbors can see your ego from there living room." He grinned and kissed me again, I hope I never get use to him kissing me it was like a sweet, tender surprise each time. His eyes became more solemn then. "I would love to become a Salvatore, I just hope your brothers don't kill me first." "Well you're the babies father I think you're good for another 18 years." "Speaking of that what should it call me pops, father, daddy?" I giggled. "I think that's up to the kid." "Well I can't wait to meet him." He said flipping me back over and rubbed me stomach "Or her." I finished before drifting off as I was suddenly extremely tired.

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