What should i call you - Peggy

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"Well if it isn't the Agent with an accent" Y/N said holding back a childish giggle.

"Oh shut it." Peggy added.

"Make me" Y/N swallowed any further words that may escape.

"You know what happened the last time you said that to me, you couldn't walk for a few days" Peggy smirked.

"I know, you have a mean kick, you could've snapped my leg." Y/N added.

"Don't challenge me then Y/N and we wouldn't have been in that situation." Peggy said not very proud of the actions that took place that day.

"Fine but at least let me call you English" Y/N added.

"But that's what Angie calls me." Peggy suggestively hinted back at Y/N to pick a better name.

"Fine I'll call you Carter." Y/N said sighing in defeat.

"Actually you can call me yours if you'd like?" Peggy felt the blush on her cheek as she suggested it to Y/N.

"Wait your being serious? You want me to be your girlfriend? Are you sure Peg?" Y/N said trying not to let the tears stream down their face.

"Of course, you like me don't you? I like you so why not? Plus Carter is very unoriginal." Peggy said giggling just a little.

"Okay I will call you mine, Peggy Carter will you be my girlfriend?" Y/N said biting their lip.

"Yes you muppet, I will be your girlfriend, it would be an honour." Peggy grabbed Y/N's hips and pulled them in for a kiss.

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