Only the best - Carol

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"Come back here" Carol yelled.

"You're gonna have to come catch me first space girl"

"Since when was I space girl, I'm Your space girl, get it right."

"No you only get to be MY space girl when you catch me"

"Oh is that right Y/N?"

"You know it Danvers."

Carol quickly made her way towards Y/N and pinned them against the wall.

"Now can I be YOUR space girl?" Carol asked.

"Oh how can I say no to you my love?"

"Exactly, you can't" Carol added pushing her body closer to yours making sure to close the space between you both. You could feel the butterflies developing in your stomach.

"Can we please move out of this very compromising position?"

"Why does this make you feel nervous?" Carol asked whilst brushing her hand along your cheek.

"Yes, yes it does, anyone in their right mind would feel this nervous if they had the prettiest woman in the world pinning them against a wall."

"Oh Y/N honey, you're way too modest, give yourself some credit. I wouldn't have to pin you against a wall if you weren't so gorgeous yourself." Carol said with a wink.

"No, no, no mi amor, we don't get to turn this around for it to be my fault, if you could only just keep your hands do yourself then maybe we wouldn't be in this situation now, would we? Hmm?"

"Well Y/N Y/L/N if you weren't so irresistible we certainly wouldn't be in this situation." Carol added.

This really made Y/N think for a moment.

"Oh mi amor, me haces un poco loco."
*oh my love, you make me a little crazy*

"No, the Spanish is an unfair card to pull, you know how it makes me feel"

"Well then, how about French or Italian?" Y/N added.

"How about none of the above?" Carol said letting out a little giggle.

"But oh ma chérie Carol, I have to make you flustered somehow, it's not fair if you have all of the fun now, is it?"

This stunned Carol into silence.

"What's the matter? Cat got your tongue?" Y/N added trying not to let the ever growing smirk show.

Carol just leaned in towards Y/N gently pressing her lips against yours, her lips were soft like a pillow but also warm. This felt like home to the both of you. Carol slowly brought her hand up to your cheek whilst caressing it gently, stroking her thumb very gently and softly across your cheek.

Carol slowly pulled away seemingly satisfied. "You make it worth the wait honey."

"You only kissed me this morning"

"And it was an eternity too long for our lips to not meet my dear."

"Who knew you could be such a romantic?"

"Well I do try, you deserve only the best my love."

"You are the best for me, you have been since that night I met you in a bar when you were with Maria, I've known since then."

This brought a tear to Carols eye.

"That long huh? Why are you just telling me now?"

"Well sometimes you just gotta wait for the right moment." Y/N said getting down on one knee.

Carol looked shocked, tears in her eyes feeling thankful that nobody was there to see her get this emotional.

"Carol Danvers, I've spent all this time loving you, every little things leaving me in absolute awe. You're always the first to check on me if I go silent, you're always giving my your jacket if it's raining or if it's cold, you never fail to make me smile. I am head over heels in love with you, always have been and always will be. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, all the ups and downs spent with you. You're the love of my life. Will you give me the greatest honour by allowing me to marry you?"

"Oh Y/N, yes of course, a million times yes."

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