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With a groan, River turned onto her side, covering her head with the luxurious bed sheets. Despite the comfort of the bed, she felt awful. More than awful. Her body ached, especially her stomach, as though she had performed strenuous exercise during the night, but that pain was nothing compared to the throbbing pain in her head. She felt sick.

Flipping the covers away, she twisted her legs off the bed, kicking an empty ice bucket at the side. Except the bucket was not completely empty. She could see vomit inside and that made her feel even more sick. Clutching her hand to her mouth, she raced to the en suite bathroom and managed to lift the lid and seat of the toilet in time to retch into the bowl.

Kneeling, she cradled the white, porcelain bowl, pressing her forehead against the smooth, chilled white of the toilet. Her stomach twisted more, complaining of more, imminent, evacuations. With a groan, she waited for her body to settle down before lifting her head. Her hair fell across her face and she reached up for toilet paper to wipe her mouth.

The silk sleeve of pyjamas slid down her arm and that confused her. The pyjamas she had brought with her were cotton. And pink. Not silk and a sultry burgundy. Frowning, she tugged the front of the top outwards, looking down to her chest. Somehow, she had got changed into clothing she didn't own. No bra. Hair unfastened and loose. She didn't remember doing any of that.

Still touching the pyjama top, her fingers rubbing against the soft material, she rose to unsteady feet and turned toward the sink, where she had placed her toiletries. A gulp of mouthwash, a spit that almost turned into another vomiting session and a rinse of water and she still felt awful. She could still feel wrinkles in her forehead as she looked around the bathroom before heading back to her room to find Celeste asleep in the chair at the other side of the bed, in a dressing gown.

Then River realised why she felt confused. This wasn't her room. The mouthwash she had used was not hers. She clutched the pyjama top with tight fingers as she began to recall flashes of the night before. She spied her evening gown, dangling from a hanger beside Celeste's dress, and reached for it, knocking both dresses to the floor.

"You're awake." With several blinks and a finger passing across her eyes, Celeste lifted her head, groaning as she adjusted her position, the front of her dressing gown opening and giving River a flash of Celeste's cleavage. "How are you feeling?"

"Embarrassed." River spun around, turning her back to Celeste, and wished she had not moved so fast. "Embarrassed. Guilty. Ill. Under-dressed. Did I mention 'embarrassed'? I'm sorry. I should go. I should ... I should ..."

She almost didn't reach the toilet and felt even more embarrassed that she now vomited while Celeste sat only a few feet away. And also due to the fact she hadn't flushed the toilet the first time. Pressing the button, the rush of water carrying away the expunged contents of her stomach away, she performed the same actions as before. It felt too late to worry about using Celeste's mouthwash now.

At the door to the en suite, she leaned upon the frame, trying not to look at Celeste. Every calculation she ran through her head about the best way to escape this situation involved Celeste seeing her again. She had no option. Taking small steps, holding the collar of the pyjama top closed, she crept back towards her dress.

With eyes dipped, she crouched, picking up the dress and then spied her underwear on the drawers and her shoes beside the bed. All far too close to Celeste for River to reach without getting too close to the woman she had made a fool of herself in front of.

"You don't look well. Get back into bed and I'll order orange juice and some strong coffee." Rising, Celeste moved towards the room phone, lifting the receiver and glancing towards River. "Toast. Toast is good for hangovers, right?"

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