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I sat and watched as the clouds raced through the majestic blue sky. It was the summer of 45 and we had just left school for break. This summer I had no real plans, I mostly wanted to hang out with my friends.
On the 19th of June, Rosa, Martin, and Malcolm met at the busy bee cafe.
" Malcolm! It's so nice to see you, it's been a while."
"Hi, Rosa."
Malcolm never spoke highly of his friends at times. He believed that he was farther ahead than them and had stronger beliefs. The group spoke for hours about the year they spent. They spoke of the hell they suffered through especially with Mrs. Pussypopper. She was a real bitch, no one liked her. Her worst quality was her tendency to beat her students that 'misbehaved.' One of which being her student John. John came from the nice side of town in one of the most prestigious neighborhoods. As opposed to John, Malcolm and his friends were not born with such luck. He happened to be at the busy bee cafe as well.
"Sup my n*****," said, John.
Malcolm responded. Malcolm was never really fond of white people. When he was younger his father was beaten brutally by a group of white men leaving him near death. His father now stays in a bed permanently on life support.
"I'm sorry, did I say something wrong."
When Malcolm had turned to look at John he was not expecting what he saw. He had seen him occasionally in class but never up close. He had thought to himself 'damn John is so fine.' Homosexual thoughts had never crossed his mind but John changed everything. Malcolm then explained to John about the n-word and how it was terrible and it's a word that can't be used by his people. He was very open and listened to his complaints. When they were done talking to each other John invited Malcolm to a party that was going on later that day.
"Will my friends be able to join us?" Malcolm asked.
"I guess but I'd have to check with my friends first, I don't know how comfortable they are around black people. How many were you planning on inviting?" "Probably just me, Rosa, Martin, Muhammad, and my little sister Claudette, she's young but she'd be fine."
"All right, I'll check."
"What time should we meet?"
"Is 8 okay? We were gonna do some stuff before but uhhh...yeah. Would you like to come with us?"
"Sure. Rosa, Martin would you like to go hang out with him."
"Nah man, you go ahead well just go to the party we'll see you later."
"Alright, well see y'all."
After they all left the shop they went their separate ways. Malcolm went with John and Rosa, and Martin went to Rosa's house to change into some better clothes. After Malcolm got in johns car he said
"Hey, do you have any extra clothes to wear, I don't want to wear this to the party."
"Um yeah, but I don't know if you're gonna like any of the clothes that I have."
They get to John's house which was nothing that Malcolm expected. The marble on the walls was extravagant and glistened from the beaming sun. Malcolm had never seen anything like that. He had grown used to being poor and having little money, whereas most homes appear like little shacks.
"I've just never seen a home of this stature, it's quite nice."
"Oh, thanks:)"
The two went up into John's room to get some new clothes to wear it the party. John was right his clothes were quite bad. John began to undress. Malcolm was in awe. John was half-naked only dressed in underwear. His muscles filled the room and were nothing Malcolm had seen before. His bulge complemented the rest of his body. Malcolm then says "wow your body looks great, what's your secret, I wish I was that built."
Contrary to John, Malcolm was skinnier but still built. "Oh, um... I just work out every day and consume a whole bunch of protein but that's about it."
Malcolm responded. John finished getting dressed as well as Malcolm and they both got ready to go out the door. As they were leaving his house John asked
"Do you want to go somewhere else, my friends want to go do drugs but I'm not really with that kind of stuff."
"Yeah what did you have in mind, I kind of want to go shopping. I need new clothes and after looking at your room so do you."
"Ok then let's go to the mall."
After they got to the mall they went to all the stores and bought a whole bunch of clothes. These new clothes improved John's wardrobe. Malcolm suggested that he changed into what he had just bought instead of what he was currently so he decided he would, after pretzels. In the mall, he saw an Auntie Annes who had the pretzels he loved most. They bought the pretzels and returned to the car where John began to change into the clothes that he just bought. By this time it was now 7 and they would now head over to the party.

A forbidden love: John and Malcolm Where stories live. Discover now