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Out of all the possibilities in the world.

No one would've expected,

That a human could ever fall inlove with a Robot.


"Why is it that I have been waiting for the past 3 MONTHS for that thing to arrive?!?!?" A woman with a husky voice says furiously

"We are very sorry, Miss! But this is the actual amount of time we have to process your requests." A man said over the phone

"I want it done by tomorrow!!" She said

"But, Miss-"

"Did I make myself clear?"

It took a few seconds for the man to reply..

"Don't worry, Miss. We will ship this one out immediately." The man replied

A woman smiles with red lips shining from the light.

"Very well, then. Make it quick." She said and ends the call


"Shoot! I'm late!!" Yunji yells

Yunji hurries up and runs down the stairs of her apartment building.

"Why do I always press the snooze button?!?" She yells at herself as she arrives outside of the building and whines because of the crowd in front of her watching someone perform

"I don't have much time." She starts running through crowds of people and kept apologizing.

"Excuse me! Sorry! Coming through!" She says

"Hey!" A man yells

"I'm so sorry!" She bows and leaves

Suddenly she hit another person wearing a mask and hat on the shoulder which made the person look back at her.

"Sorry!" She said and continued her pace

The person noticed a keychain on the floor and picked it up.


"WAHHH!! I'M HERE! PRESENT!" She yelled as everyone looked at her in shock

"Are you okay?" Seojin asks

"Never better!!" I said

"You're about to go next, are you okay with that?" She asks and Yunji nodded with determination

"Happy to!" She smiles at her friend

"Lee Yunji!" A man calls her name


"Please step into the office!" He said and she nodded

She follows the man into his office and sits down at the chair provided.

"So, I'll only ask you a few questions. Be sure to answer me honestly and respectfully." He said

"Yes, Sir!" She said, her legs shaking underneath the table


"Last question, why did you choose this company?" He asks

She takes a deep breath and smiles.

"This company's commitment to put a smile to everyone's faces inspired me to make a positive change. I want to contribute to a greater good, and I'm confident this esteemed establishment will equip me with the knowledge to do so." She said

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