I think i do

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Through the rest of the day you could not stop thinking about what Mingi asked you. There's no way I have a crush on him, I hate him! you would always catch yourself thinking. But at the same time you would say, "What if I don't hate him".

Before you knew it, it was Monday and you were back in math.

It didn't help that everyone now had new assigned seats and you were sitting right behind San. You kept finding yourself zoning out and staring at him, the way that the light reflects on his side profile whenever he looks out the window. The way that he always runs his hands through his hair whenever he gets frustrated on a problem, it all captured your fascination in a way that it didn't before. It also did not help that you could not get the sex out of your head.

He was so... good. That's the only word you could think of to describe him. Good.

The days were all a blur to you. Nothing stood out except for San. Everything he did caught your attention in a way that it didn't before. Whenever you were around him you felt nervous. The bad kind of nervous. Not just the "ah I'm so sacred what if I do blah blah blah..." but the type where you feel your gut turn into a knot and when you want to run away and hide because your heart starts racing a little too fast for your comfort and your worried you might explode.

Mingi noticed and tried to help. For example when you two ended up being late to lunch and the only seats in the cafeteria were next to San, he ate with you outside. And whenever Mingi saw San near you in the hallway, he would move somewhere else. But soon Thursday came and you were walking up the stairs to the roof.

You had to pause before opening the door, you were so jittery that you thought you were gonna throw up, but you just had to keep going. When you opened the door you saw San standing in the middle of the roof on his phone before he noticed your arrival.

"Oh hey, are you ready to go?" He asked you "Yea". You left it at a simple response so that the cloud of words that were forming in your thoughts would not burst out. You two walked to his house not saying a word to each other and to be honest, you weren't sure if you liked the silence or if you should break it. Once you two got to his room you were able to preoccupy your self with math, even though it was hard to work without getting distracted. You kept your eyes on the paper the whole time, not wanting to get lost in his eyes.

"Hey, hello? Earth to Wooyoung" you looked up and you realized that you had zoned out again, making eye contact with him for the first time since Sunday. "Are you ok?" He asked, putting his hand on your shoulder. But unfortunately the once friendly gesture made you jolt, not expecting the physical touch. When you moved he quickly moved his hand away to not surprise you anymore. "Y-yeah I'm fine sorry, just thinking about something that happened this weekend. With a friend, yeah, sorry." San looked at you curiously. God that was so obvious you said to yourself as images from that night flooded your head. And unfortunately, you got hard. "Wooyoung, I-" San started as he looked down and realized your boner. "Wooyoung?" "Yes?"

"Was it the sex?"

You froze. He remembers? Your eyes widened and you went into panic mode. Quick Wooyoung think of something! "What are you talking about?" You ended up saying. "What sex?"it was the only thing that came to your mind that could get your out of the situation. You tried to play off your nervousness by pretending to not know what he was talking about. It was obvious he knew something was off though, but getting the hint San stopped talking about it. "Nevermind, I mixed you up with someone else for a second sorry." And with that you two kept working, only talking to each other when you finished a problem. You were able to get a few moments where you could look at him when he wouldn't notice, god he is handsome.

You felt bad but you would not know what would have happened if you admitted that you had sex with him. What does someone even say in that situation? "Hey yea remember when we fucked?" Or like "damn, I used to hate you but now I can't stop thinking about you and when ever I get it hard it's because of you and when i jerk off I think of that night because that was the best sex I ever had!" But no matter what happened, no one has to know. No one has to remember I'm sure all of these feeling will go away in a few days, it's just the left over adrenaline. You found yourself thinking. Luckily you finished the packet quickly and you were able to get out of Sans house. Right as you were about to walk out of his front door San grabbed your arm and turned you to face him.

"Hey are you all right, you seem kind of off." He asked you with a hint of worry in his eyes. "I'm good, don't worry about me." You said back trying to pass it off as the truth. He looked into your eyes for a few seconds before letting you go. "See you tomorrow," you said right before you closed the door to his house. You ended with him a bit earlier than usual so you decided to go over to Mingi's house for a bit.

You knocked on his door a few times before his dad opened it. "Mingi, Wooyoung is here!" He yelled quickly upstairs before saying "come inside, Mingi is in his room." You smiled at him and walked in, taking off your shoes before heading to mingi's room. "What's up hoe?" You asked as you walked into his room without knocking. He had headphones on and jumped at your sudden appearance. "Yo, Wooyoung I didn't know you were coming over!" "Yeah I just came back from a tutoring thing with San, do you think I can sleep over here tonight? I'm really tired and I don't want to deal with my family today." Mingi just smiled at you "of course dude, what ever you need. What happened with San?"

You flopped onto his bed next to him and told him everything. "Oh shit, that's, wow ok. I don't even know what to say." He told you. "Yeah, me neither. I was thinking about what you said the other night about me maybe having a crush on him and I'm worried." You said. "Why, because you don't like him and you had sex with him?" He questioned, "no because I'm worried I do." "Do what"

"I'm worried I have a crush on Choi San."
Not proofread

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