The first night

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San POV (a/n for the first time in forever)

You woke up with a raging headache and a massive boner. It was about 9 PM on Saturday, the day before your trip and you haven't even started packing. But before you could start on that, you decided to shower because the alcoholic stench that you were drenched in made you gag so hard that you had to open a window to get it out of your room. You undressed and got in the shower trying to remember how you got home. It all started yesterday after school,

You got invited to a party with some of your friends and of course you decided to start off your spring break with fucking someone you didn't know. It was good, but it wasn't Wooyoung. The guy seemed nice and acted pretty confident but it wasn't the same. Even with you balls deep in his ass all you could think about was Wooyoung. You fucked him slowly, not feeling like going rough. It was a kind of nice change of pace. It felt amazing. But of course like everything else in your life, you fucked up. As you announced you were going to cum you accidentally whispered "Fuck yes wooyoung, just like that!". It was quiet but not quite enough for the other guy not to hear. "Who's wooyoung?"

You thought about wooyoung. How much you wanted to fuck him like that. To see him spread across the bed with his legs wide open begging for you dick. You thought about his pretty mouth sucking you off while he stares at you through his long black lashes.


You dragged out the K sound as you came white ribbons in the shower thinking of Wooyoung.

"How am I gonna survive this trip without thinking of him?"

You eventually finished packing your bags and woke up just in time to go to the airport. Seonghwa belonged to one of the richest families in Korea so it didn't surprise you when you all got on a private jet. You sat next to Yunho for the majority of the flight you two got through an episode of Itaewon class as the plane landed. When you all got off you realized you had not seen Wooyoung yet. Did he not come? You thought to yourself before you spotted him laughing with Mingi far away from you. Mingi raised his eyes and gave you a questioning look before he whispered something to wooyoung who then looked your way. You quickly avoided his gaze so as to not bring up suspicion and you kept walking with Yunho.

Seonghwa's house on this island was nothing short of a mansion. There were about 30 kids there in total, most of which you were kind of close with but some who you had never seen before. It also seemed to be pretty even with the amount of boys to girls.

"Hey San!" You looked behind you and saw Seonghwa run up to you with a smile on his face. "I'm just going around telling everyone that you can sleep wherever you want just not in my, my siblings, or my parents room. We're gonna order pizza tonight and tomorrow we have a boat leaving at 10 to go to a neighboring island that has a town and everything so you can come if you want, see you later!" he then shouted at the next group of people he was gonna tell this information to. "Hey Yunho, do you want to room with me?" you turned and asked him. "Dude, you don't even have to ask. Let's invite Hongjoong and Jongho too, it'll be like a giant sleepover!" You laughed and agreed before you two found Jongho and Hongjoong and started walking to your room. You guys decided on a room on the 2nd floor with 8 beds in it and 2 connected bathrooms.

"Yo this place is spacious, I feel bad taking up this whole room with just the four of us. Why don't we invite Seonghwa and some of his friends to stay with us here, even if it's only for a few nights?" You nodded in agreement. There were 4 bunk beds and you already called top on one so whoever you ended up rooming with would have to deal with it. "Ill call him" Jongho said.

Seonghwa agreed and decided to bring three friends with him, not telling you guys who they would be. Soon they knocked on your door and you went to open it "Hopefully it's not some group of random girls" you said jokingly right before you opened the door just to be standing face to face with wooyoung.

You almost choked on your own saliva but seonghwa pushed the door open making you realize there were more people there. "What's up bitches!" It was Seonghwa, Yeosang, Mingi, and Wooyoung. "Hey seonghwa, wanna bunk with me? Jongho and Yunho already are bunking together" Hongjoong asked and Seonghwa quickly agreed. "Hey Mingi, can we bunk together?" Yeosang asked, leaving just Wooyoung and you. There was a small uncomfortable silence between the two of you before you decided to say "So I guess you're stuck on with me." he awkwardly laughed "I guess so."

Wooyoung Pov

You tried sending desperate eye signals to mingi but he would not look at you so you were stuck bunking with San. It will be fine, you had to keep telling yourself as you unpacked trying not to panic over the current situation.

It will be fine.

As the day progressed into night you soon forgot about San. You were too engrossed in the party Seonghwa was hosting. It seemed like an excessive amount of people were there, it had to be more than 30 you decided before you noticed all the boats on the doc and realized that these people must have been from the town on the island next to this one. You drank so much that before midnight you thought you were gonna pass out. Usually you could keep going all night long but you concluded that the travel wore you out. At around 12:30 you decided to head back up to the room you were staying in.

When you got there you saw one of the bathroom lights was on but you decided to dismiss it as you took off your shirt and pants, leaving you in just your underwear. That was until the door to the bathroom opened and out walked a freshly showered San wearing only a towel around his waist. You stared at him dazed until he turned and realized that you were there as well as that you were both half naked. "Oh fuck, wooyoung you scared me! What are you doing here? I thought you were enjoying the party?" He said in confusion while looking for a shirt to cover up with. "I'm too tired for it today, what about you though? Why aren't you doing whatever at the party?" He started explaining how he just wasn't feeling like it today but you didn't hear anything. All you were paying attention to was his lips. His perfect, round, red lips. The lips that you had kissed before.

If there's one thing that you know about yourself it's that when you're drunk you don't care anymore. Your body always seems to move on its own and make its own decisions. And that's exactly what happened as you moved towards San. "Wooyoung, what are you doing?" he asked quickly, standing to face you. "Shut up." you put your hand on the back of his head and kissed him. He seemed shocked for a second but quickly leaned into the kiss. But after a moment, he pulled away. "Wooyoung, we really shouldn't do this. You're drunk and I don't want another incident." "incident?" you questioned. "You mean when we fucked and I pretended not to remember?" you slurred. "What?" he seemed shocked at your sudden confession. "San" You looked into his deep eyes. "Please, Fuck me!"

This time, he initiated the kiss and as it got more heated and you got more needy.

"Whatever you say princess,  just don't complain when your asshole hurts tomorrow."

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