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"Settle down, class." Aizawa sensei raises his voice to the class. "We have a new student joining us today. Please, welcome her with respect and do not overwhelm her with your loud voices."

"Oh, I hope the new girl's hot. We need some new girls, these ones are broken or something." Kaminari gets bonked in the head with a paperback textbook. "What does that even mean..?" Momo mutters. "And guys, you have to be nice to her! She's really shy, but she's super cute and fun!" Mina spoke to the people around her. "How would you know that?" Ochaco tilts her head to the side slightly. "Oh yeah! Me and Yuki have been friends forever! She visited japan for a vacation back in 7th grade, and we bumped into eachother on the metro. We have eachother our numbers and we've been friends since!" Minas lips parted slightly and the people around her nod to her. "Wow, the chances of that are so slim I have a hard time believing it."

"Be quiet." Aizawa sensei shushes the class once more. The door opens gently, and a 5"4 girl with black and pink hair walks through to the front of the room. Each persons jaw drops for a different reason; whether it's because of the low rise jeans showing off her slim figure, her tattoos, her Draculora styled hair, or her piercings. "Where is your uniform?" Aizawa deadpans to her. "I'm sorry, I couldn't get a uniform in time. They were too expensive." She stares at the floor, fidgeting with her acrylics. "Hmph; I'll excuse it for now. But please see me after class so we can discuss ways to get you an appropriate outfit. Please tell us a bit about yourself."

She nods, pushing a strand of pink behind her glasses. "Hi, I'm Yuki. I like to play old games and my favorite hero is... uhm, my favorite hero is Eraserhead. I'm not very social, so forgive me if i come off as rude. I just don't enjoy large groups of people.."

"Wait, Eraserhead? You mean the one standing next to you?" Mina smiles and causes Yuki to blush. "Mina, do you ever shut your mouth?" She rushes to her seat in a hurry now, trying to save some dignity before it's too late. She brushes a loose strand of hair behind her ear as she sits, staring at her desk in hopes that Aizawa sensei will ignore that. "So, how was the flight here from the US?" Mina chirps, ignoring the fact she just humiliated her in front of her idol. "It was soooo boring.." Yuki whines, leaning back in the rolling chair. "They wouldn't let me bring Lilly on board. She had to go in the back, or something. I couldn't even hear them explain because this ugly baby was crying super loud."

"Who's Lilly?"A soft haired, brown eyed girl chimes in. "Oh! I'm Ochaco. I should've started with that.." her cheeks flush pink and her gaze focuses to the floor. "Hi ochaco! Lilly is my cat. I only arrived here in Japan about two days ago.. I'm still so tired from the long flight. I couldn't even sleep last night because I was just so nervous I'd get lost." Her words roll perfectly off her tongue, making a slight whistle sound at the end of each sentence. "Wow, you're from the US? What's it like over there?" Another boy joins the conversation. "My name is Midoriya. You can call me Deku if you want, t-though!" His green hair falls on his face for a second, before he brushes it back to his ear. "Its definitely.. different. The people are so much bigger."

"What made you move to Japan?"

"Where are you from in the US?"

"Can I see your boobs?" That one caught her attention. She looked over in disgust to see a short guy, with weird purple balls on his head. "Uhm, no... she's already showing them to me perv." Mina raises an eyebrow and laughs. "But fuck off mineta." She whispers.

Everybody kept overworking her with questions. So much so that Yukis stomach began to twist, and she new her social anxiety was getting the best of her. She tried her best to answer all of them but when she answered one, ten more flooded in. "Guys.. please, stop. It's too much." She whispers, but it's as if no one could hear her. Given that she's always been a quiet person, it's likely that they really didn't hear her. It was always something with her. She never could be satisfied with herself, always asking for things to be perfect. When will she learn?"Please, please give me a minute." She tries to be louder but it again doesn't have any affect on the crowd of people bombarding her with questions. She knew this feeling all too well; the walls around her were closing in on her. Head in her hands, she feels that familiar spinning feeling and she knows that this won't end well if she stays put. She looks out of the 'crowd' to see Aizawa sensei, who can tell somethings wrong but doesn't say anything. She just wish that someone would notice and help her out a little. Stupid, stupid yuki. How were they supposed to know that she needed help? Even when asking for help, she always screws something up."I have to go!" Yuki stands up, yelling awkwardly with a bright red face. She runs out of the class to the nearest bathroom, letting out all the stress. Poor little yuki never really could handle stress well. She wipes her mouth with a paper towel and flushes the toilet. She stands in the mirror and looks at herself. 'They probably think I'm a stupid idiot now. Why would I do that? Why cant I just speak up..' Who knew if she was right. Somehow, someway, she was always messing something in her life up. When will she learn?

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