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Yuki sighs as she drops the book bag from her shoulders onto the linoleum tile. "I don't understand? He told you that your costume wasn't appropriate for school, seriously?" Mina pats the spot next to her on her duvet cover inviting yuki to sit. She accepts this offer, swiftly crossing her legs to match Minas posture. "Yeah, it was so weird. But in the end he told me he didn't care that much, but I might get 'consequences,' whatever those will be." She fidgets with her acrylics. "Man, i didn't think Aizawa sensei was so,, uhm,, odd.. No offense. I know you're in love with him or whatever." She giggles. "I'm not in love with him,"

Mina looks at her, barely constraining her laugh. ", I just think he's a cool hero."

"That's a weird way to pronounce dilf."

"Oh my god Mina, will you let that go already? That was like a week ago." Yuki rolls her eyes promptly. "No! I'll never let that go. I mean you admitted you thought he was hot to his face! How perfect is that!" Mina rolls over on her right side from laughter and yuki playfully hits her arm. "Yeah, I guess it was pretty funny. But it's not funny enough to laugh over a week later."

"Yeah it is. You're just salty he hasn't made a move on you yet. Just give it time, yuki! I mean, your birthday is in three months. He'll come crawling then."

"You're so weird Mina. Even when I do turn 18 I'll still be his student," Yuki shifts in her position. ",I mean yeah. He's really hot. But I know that I'll never have a chance, even for a second."

"What do you even like about him. Seriously? I mean he's just a crusty middle aged Asian man who doesn't brush his hair. Nothing special there."

Yuki scoffs, her lips parting slightly with her teeth sinking into her bottom lip. "I don't know. I guess he's just comforting, that's all." She admits. The corners of her mouth twitch upwards remembering fondly the times she'd look at her poster of him and daydream. "It's just that hes been my favorite hero since seventh grade. He reminds me of when my life was actually decent."

Mina frowns. "I mean, you've got a decent life now that you're in UA with me, right?"

"Yeah. But still," She reaches over the bed to the bag of crisps, opening them and munching on one. "-I just miss middle school, you know?" She chews her words up and Mina slaps her thigh lightly. "I know you're from America or whatever, but talking with food in your mouth is disrespectful here. Plus you just got honey garlic spit on my shoulder."

Yuki giggles. "Sorry about that. What were we even talking about earlier?" Yuki pushes that annoying flyaway back behind her ear, clearing her throat. Mina opens her mouth but closes it quickly. "Oh! We were talking about your hero costume thing!"

"Oh yeah! Anyways, I'm still wondering what those consequences will be. How are they going to punish me for clothes? I didn't know your school was so strict, Mina."

"Usually it isn't this strict. I mean, look at Momos costume! And Nemuri sensei basically flirts with all the minor students. There's no way this is serious." Yuki recalls meeting Nemuri sensei, and how revealing her outfit was. Not that she was complaining, though. "I don't know. I really don't want to get expelled in my first week, but I also don't want to change my costume because some creep thought it showed too much skin you know?"

Mina nods in agreement. "I get it. Hopefully the consequences aren't anything serious, maybe just detention for a week or something. Hopefully it'll be with Aizawa sensei! You guys can get your freak on without any disruptions." Yuki rolls her eyes. "No thanks. I'm not 13 anymore." She looks behind Mina through her window. "Looks like the sun is setting. I better get back to my dorm so Aizawa sensei doesn't chew my ass about missing curfew," She stands up, quickly grabbing her book bag and giving Mina a quick side hug. "You wish he'd do that!" Her voice echoes through the hall as Yuki shuts the door behind her, cursing her mentally. Her obsession with Yuki and Sensei having a secret relationship is starting to become worrying.

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