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"Urgh.." She sloppily presses the stop button to her alarm. "Another day of getting this bread, I guess." She giggles to herself and sits at her vanity. "Dear god." Did a skunk make her hair it's nest? "Ugh." Yuki groans, grabbing a towel from her dresser and heading to her bathroom. The water turns on with a hiss, as she locks the door and begins to unrobe. She sets her phone on the shelf above the counter while shuffling her playlist. She steps into the water without hesitation, despite the fact the water may as well be molten lava. She lathers her coconut creme body wash onto her loofa, humming along to the lyrics. "Shit." She groans bending over to pick up the razor she dropped. She continues her shower as normal, but she notices that she can hear the people outside even though the waters running. "That's a bit odd. The enrollment team told me the dorms were soundproof." Yuki remembered that very clearly as she also remembers sighing in relief as she heard that. She didn't want to know what some of her new classmates do with their spare time.

Yuki turns the water off, drying off with her towel and throwing on her new uniform. She cringes remembering the interaction from the day before. "Grr. I'm so stupid. I never listen to people when they tell me something."

Yuki steps out into the hall after brushing her hair and sliding her converse on. The other odd thing- no one was out there.

"Uhm, Mina? Ochaco? Hellllooo?" Yuki rounded a corner, yet saw no one. 'Am I just imagining things?'

That's another odd thing. That nagging voice should be telling her how dumb she is for hearing voices. Yuki brushes it off, hoping that she'll get a break from the degradation for a day at least. She continues to walk down halls, turn corners, go down flights of stairs- nothing. Where is everybody?

"Tsuyu?" Yuki begins to panic as the walls spiral, a never ending maze with no one to guide her. 'Doesn't that sound familiar.'

"Someone, please? If this is a joke it isnt funny." Her voice cracks, as she fails to hide how terrifying this really is. Reality hits her like a brick and she has to fight back the urge to scream. She stops for a moment. 'Just breathe, Yuki. You're just having another one of those episodes.'

Five things you can see?
Easy. 2 walls, the floor, my hands, my feet.

Four things you can touch?
Basically the same answers. The walls, the floor, my legs, my arms, my hair.

Three things you can hear?
My footsteps, an odd buzzing noise coming from assumably the cameras, and my breathing.

Two things you can smell?
I can smell the hint of shea butter from my body butter, and I can smell the fresh carpeting. They must've gotten new flooring recently. It was comforting, almost. At least it would be if she wasn't in this reality.

Lastly, one thing you can taste?
My peppermint toothpaste. Some people prefer spearmint but peppermint tends to get me into the holiday spirit.

She lifts her head out of her hands and looks up. She hadn't even realized she'd sat down against the wall. Yuki regains her balance, walking calmly back to her dorm. She has no trouble now that she's not panicking.

She takes a look in the vanity mirror. Staring back at her is.. her? It resembles her, looks like her even. But it isn't. She slowly brings her hand to the reflection. "Yuki?" The reflection brings the same frail hand to the glass.

For some reason, she expected a response from the reflection. But of course all she got was the girl staring back at her. She sighs, and walks over to her desk. She grabs the orange bottle, popping the lid off. "Ugh." She grabs a glass from her cupboard, slugging over to her bathroom sink and filling the glass half empty. "Another day, another fucking day. Are you kidding me" she stares herself down in the mirror, yet her reflection seems normal this time. Maybe her vanity mirror was warped. She shakes the pills in her hand before tossing them into her mouth, swallowing with a shudder. The taste was bittersweet, leaving a powdery substance to taint her mouth until lunch. She continues to forget time and time again to brush her teeth after she takes her risperiodone.

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