Chapter 2

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It was a few weeks after the Lion gang takedown when they got a notification. Their camera system had detected motion from the front of the house. Everyone was in a panic because it was nighttime so it was harder to see. All the men became quiet as they looked around. When they heard a creek up the stairs, they instantly bolted towards the sound. When all the men made it up the stairs, it was eerily quiet. Next thing they knew, they all felt a pinch in their nerves, rendering them emobile. They all fell over one by one, not before catching a glimpse of 3 pairs of boots.

"Wakey wakey~" a masked figure said before all of them splashed water on the unconscious men.

All the men woke up with a start, all looking like fish out of water. They all looked around confused before Yoongi snapped out of it.

"Hey what the fuck!!" Yoongi roared as he tried to lunge at the masked figures.

His eyebrows furrowed together before looking down. He was tied down. Yoongi let out a grunt as he looked at the masked figures again. It was silent for a moment before the man in the red mask pulled out a picture. He looked at the picture before showing the men.

"Do you know these people?" The man in the red mask asked as he showed the picture.

All the men's eyes softened as they looked at the picture. Looking back at them was the smiling faces of their late boyfriends. The fire that caused them to lose the lights of their lives. The red mask man took that as a yes as he moved the picture away. He walked back to the other masked people before they engaged in a heated conversation. They weren't paying attention until one of the masked people let out a loud yell.

"WHO THE FUCK ARE THEY?!" The person in the black mask screamed out in frustration.

"Babe calm down" the man in the red mask said as he faced his friend.

"We all don't remember. We're frustrated too but yelling isn't going to fix everything" pink mask said as he kneeled on the ground.

The man in the black mask nodded before pulling his mask and gloves off. He ran a ringed hand into his hair before looking at his friends. He signaled them to take their mask off too before they faced each other.

"Let's do this I guess" black mask said as he looked at his friends.

They all nodded as they smiled to each other. The man in the black mask got up first making the other 2 follow. The tied up men were looking at the ground before they heard someone step in front of them. When they looked up it was like the air got sucked out of their bodies.

"Hobi?" "Mark?" "Baekhyun?" We're the multiple responses of the men.

Hoseok just looked down at them with no emotion on his face. He looked at each of them before sighing.

"So you guys were the ones we heard about?" Hoseok asked as he tilted his head, ignoring their shocked faces.

"Seems like it to me Hobi" Mark said as he looked at his friend.

Baekhyun just nodded as he continued to stare the men down.

"How do you know us?" Mark asked as he looked at the man.

"You mean to say you don't remember us?" Jackson asked while he looked at Mark in disbelief.

Mark just sighed before moving in front of Jackson. He pulled out his secret knife as he pointed it at Jackson's neck. Jackson's expressions changed into a fearful one as he felt Mark press the knife deeper into his skin. Mark kept pushing deeper before he heard Hoseok speak.

"Come on princess, that's enough" Hoseok said as he looked at his short-tempered friend.

Mark and Hoseok had a staring contest before Mark broke the stare first. Mark sighed as he trudged back over to his friends like a scolded child. Baekhyun was giggling behind his hand while Hoseok rolled his eyes playfully. The men continued to stare at the 3 men in disbelief. They just couldn't believe that they were actually alive.

"We thought you died" Chanyeol said bluntly as he looked at the men standing in front of them.

"We thought we did too" Baekhyun said looking Chanyeol's body up and down slowly. 

Chanyeol noticed this as he did the same to Baekhyun. They met each other's eyes before Baekhyun winked. He bit his lip as he looked away from the enticing male towards his amused best friends.

"What? He's hot ok?" Baekhyun whispered to his friends as he crossed his arms over his chest.

Hoseok and Mark just chuckled before moving towards the men on the ground. They quickly untied them all before standing in front of them again.

"I don't know about you guys but I'm starving" Mark whispered before rubbing his tummy cutely.

"What do you want to eat?" Hoseok asked as he turned towards his friends.

Mark was about to open his mouth to speak before Hoseok was pulled into a tight hug. Hoseok stiffened up before looking up at the male.

"Bunny" Hoseok said out loud making the male look down at him.

Jungkook just smiled at the smaller male before burying his face into his neck. Hoseok just stood frozen for a while before he hugged back. Jungkook got happy as he hugged his baby. It was like the world around them had vanished. After a while, Hoseok became a little uncomfortable with the hug so he broke it gently. Jungkook stepped back as he stared down at his boyfriend. He really couldn't believe that he was here in the flesh, it all felt like a dream.

"Well I guess this was a nice reunion but we have to go" Hoseok said as he walked over towards his friends.

"We just got you back and now you want to leave again??" JB questioned angrily making the 3 males stiffen up.

Mark was the first one to turn around as he made eye contact with the man that spoke.

"Yes you got us back but you don't know anything about us. You knew who we were but not who we are now" Mark said causing for the 3 groups to have mixed emotions.

There was a small silence before Baekhyun coughed. He didn't make eye contact with anyone as he grabbed his friends hands. He started dragging them away from the men, the mafia groups could only watch them go away. Once the 3 were out of sight, it's like a switch was flipped.

"We're gonna make them remember us whether it's hard or not" Taehyung huffed out before making his way to the exit.

The rest soon followed after that, already brewing plans in their heads to get their babies back.

Hey guys!! I hope you all are enjoying the story so far. It's taken me a while to get the sequel out but here it is. I hope I can live up to all you guys' expectations🥲

Until next time~
~Author A✨

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