Chapter 3

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It seems like after Hoseok, Mark and Baekhyun reappeared it's been impossible to find them again. The gangs have been searching for them everywhere, even going as far as looking for their profiles only to find the information was wiped so good that not even each gang's hacker could find anything.

"Why is this shit so hard??!" Taehyung groaned out in frustration as he slammed his laptop closed.

"What's hard?" A new voice said from behind Taehyung making all eyes drag to where the voice came from.

Sitting casually on the back of the sofa was Hoseok. They all blinked at him like they couldn't comprehend what was happening. Hoseok looked at them all before shrugging his shoulders. He hopped off the sofa to make his way to the kitchen when the others noticed his outfit. It was a simple outfit but his body looked way different than it did 3 years ago. He had more tattoos and was toned in all the right places. Bangtan's eyes trailed over his form slowly, drinking in the sight of every curve and crevice. They wanted to eat him alive.

 They wanted to eat him alive

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(^Hoseok's outfit)

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(^Hoseok's outfit)

Hoseok felt the stares burning into his back as he walked to the kitchen but ignored them. He started looking in the fridge before a small smirk came onto his face.

"5....4....3....2" Hoseok started to count down but didn't make it to 1 before the men came rushing into the kitchen.

"Wait a damn minute, how did you even get in?" Jin screeched as he watched Hoseok's ass when he bent down.

"I have my ways. Also you guys are almost out of cheese" Hoseok said as he emerged from the fridge with an armful of ingredients.

They all just watched Hoseok like he was some mystical creature, gliding across the kitchen floor with ease. Hoseok was starting to feel awkward cooking with so many eyes on his back so he looked over at them.

"Can you all like, stop staring at me?" Hoseok deadpanned as he made eye contact with everyone in the room.

"We'll you are in our house using our food" Jimin snapped causing for Hoseok to drag his eyes over to him.

"Wanna try that again?" Hoseok asked walking around the kitchen island to stand right in front of Jimin.

Jimin gulped at the close proximity and slowly shied away from Hoseok's hard gaze. Hoseok kept walking towards him until Jimin's back hit the kitchen island, Hoseok quickly trapping him to it. Jimin was a few inches taller than him but that didn't matter. Hoseok leaned close until his lips were inches away from Jimin's. He brushed their lips together lightly before going to whisper in his ear.

"Talk to me like that again and see what happens Jimin" Hoseok whispered in a deep voice as his lips brushed over Jimin's red ear.

Jimin just nodded his head, not being able to speak. Hoseok leaned back up to make eye contact with him before gripping Jimin's throat, smirking at the small whimper that came out of his mouth.

"Am I understood?" Hoseok asked as his grip tightened on Jimin's throat.

"I-I understand" Jimin managed to choke out around the hand on his throat.

Hoseok nodded his head, leaning up to peck Jimin's cheek before letting him go. He circled back around the counter like nothing happened, going back to cooking his food. The others had tents in their pants as they looked at Hoseok. It's been way too long since they've had an experience like that. No one's presence can match to Hoseok's. They watched Hoseok for who knows how long because the next thing they knew, the table had a layout of food. Hoseok silently motioned for them to sit down and they followed easily. Once everyone was settled, Hoseok hopped onto the kitchen island. He watched as everyone loaded their plates and took a bite of food, smiling subtly at how their eyes lit up.

"I have a proposition for you" Hoseok said as he watched them all.

The all made noises to show Hoseok that they were listening so Hoseok continued.

"We want our memories back" Hoseok started gaining everyone's attention.

"And we think we can do that by moving back in with you" Hoseok finished making everyone choke on their food.

Hoseok just watched with amused eyes as they choked, finding it funny how in-sync they are with each other. Hoseok waited until they all stopped choking. He tapped his nails against the kitchen island before hopping off. He walked towards the entrance of the kitchen before looking back at them.

"I'll let you think on it. I'm pretty sure if you talk about me I'll just pop up" Hoseok jokes as he smiled softly at the men.

He watched as their eyes softened making his insides turn to mush. He turned away before they could see the growing blush on his cheeks and walked out the door. He heard the door crack open again but he didn't pay it any mind. He turned down the street before he vanished. Well that's what Yoongi is gonna tell the rest once he goes back to the kitchen at least.

It was a few weeks later when Bangtan heard a pounding on the door. It was 2 in the morning but they were all just chilling in the living room. They all looked at each other before grabbing the weapons they hid, they got better with their security after Hoseok disappeared. They all slowly walked to the door, Yoongi taking the lead. He went towards the door before turning back and giving a curt nod. They all nodded back before their eyes hardened on the door. Yoongi took a deep breath before throwing the door open, pointing his gun at the figure at the door.

"Help" the figure whispered painfully before falling into Yoongi's arms.

Yoongi was caught off guard so he fell down with the body. He slid them all the way inside before closing the door with his foot. The rest of the men got closer and watched as Yoongi turned the body over, only to gasp in horror when it was none other than Hoseok. He had a gunshot wound to his hip and he was badly beaten. Jin rushed into action and scooped the fragile man out of Yoongi's arms before running to the in home hospital. It wasn't a big hospital and only had 2 beds but it had everything they needed. The rest followed with worried eyes but they were also feeling a type of rage they haven't felt since that day 3 years ago. They had a new agenda: find the bastard that did this and kill him.

Hey guys!! Sorry it took me so long to get this chapter out, I spent a while writing it because of work and other things😅. I hope you guys enjoyed the update and I hope you keep supporting me in the future😊

Until next time~
~Author A✨

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