"I uh... You see it's just that... It's about someone I like..." Rui manages to say quickly but quietly. "YOU LIKE SOMEONE!?!?" Shouts Emu. "SHH... Don't let anyone hear us, okay?" Putting a finger to Emu's mouth quickly to shut her up. "But who is it? Is it Nene? Is it someone from school?" Who? Who!?" asks Emu excitedly yet quietly. "It's... Uh... Tsu- I LIKE TSUKASA!!!" Rui says quietly trying to get it over with. To which Emu replies, "WHAT!? You like a boy? Not like there's anything wrong with that, but it's quite surprising coming from you, Rui! Why Tsukasa out of everyone, anyway?" Emu asks, "He seems pretty loud to me..." "I- I'm trusting you to keep this a secret, Emu! Please don't tell anyone!" Rui says. "Don't worry! I can keep any secret!" Emu replies proudly.
・・・"So basically your gay, Rui?" Emu asks the next day, "I wasn't expecting you to even like anyone in the first place! Let alone Tsukasa!" To which Rui replies, "Well, yes.. I like Tsukasa for many reasons! I only discovered I was gay because of him!" "Wow," Emu says, "I really want to help you! Is there any way I can help you get to Tsukasa?" "I.. I don't really know. I never thought you'd be the person to ask to help get someone with their crush..." To which Emu replies, "I want to help in every way! It must of taken a bunch of courage just to tell me that! So I want to help you get with Tsukasa!" "Really!? Wow... Thanks a lot, Emu! I thought I would be doing this all by myself.. But now with someone else's help, I can have an even easier experience!" Says Rui. "I will help in any way you want me to, Rui!" replies Emu proudly with a big smile on her bright face.
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