14. Not theirs

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Toji looked at me with a pained expression before he quickly composed himself.
Though my eyes were still hazy so I could only just make him out. My mind felt fogged.

I tried to moved but the rope around my body just dug deeper into my skin. The pain pulled me back to reality and the realisation of everything came crashing down on me.

Gojo was gone.

He was gone. My best friend..Dead. Snatched away from me. I'd never see him again..

I just couldn't process it.

And why? Why would the man I thought I thought I cared for, heck thought I loved.....

He was all a lie

He never cared. Never wanted me.

The only thing Toji wanted was to get to Gojo.. he just wanted money.

I really was a fool to ever think  I was anything else to him.

All these thoughts in my head soon became too much. I felt tears start pooling down my face, unable to wipe them away.

I was overwhelmed with sadness and anger. I wanted to scream and cry out but remained silent. That was until Toji spoke up.

" A monster is all I've ever known to be. Nothing more. Nothing less."

My head snapped towards him.

" you have the choice Toji, no one is born that way" I shouted back.

" How sheltered is your life Y/N? No one wants to be a fucking villain, they are made to be or pushed far enough it becomes the only choice for them.
This is my life Y/N.
My family turned me into this monster and now it's all I'll ever know. That's life and I gotta live with it now shut it we're almost there".

I was taken back by his answer. What kind of sick family do that to their kid?

" Just one more question please.... put my mind at ease at least. Was everything with us a lie-"

" I said shut it Y/N" he snapped before I could finish.

I just couldn't accept it...

" Toji pleas-"

" Y/N shut it"

I took that as my answer and slinked back into my chair. Tears still brimmed my eyes.

Toji kept looking back at me while he continued to drive. It seemed as though he was trying to process his own thoughts.

That was until he finally broke the silence.

" You know it's better this way right? If I didn't come for you and Gojo someone else would've".

" then you should've done it the first time you took me.. before everything that made me care about you!"
My voice cracked. " why! Why didn't you do it then and save all this pain Toji! Because as much as I hate you now I still give a shit about you! How fucked up is that?!"

Toji gave me a sad look but remained silent.

" You know what Toji you're wrong. We all have a choice in whether we turn out good or bad. You just chose wrong this time".

Toji Fushiguro- Obsession Where stories live. Discover now