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After pondering for many days of what is wrong with her, Chloe has no hope and is still depressed. She's alive but she feel like she's drowning. The pain that consumes her from the inside out is growing larger every day. When will this end?? Sometimes she feels like she can't even get up out of bed, not because she is physically tired but she is emotionally exhausted. Her mood changes so often. Am I happy or sad? Not even she knows.

I need something drastic to happen in my life. Really I need a guy. No he'll just make me more broken. I learned that already. So what is to this life? Why am I here on the earth living and breathing?

My mind travels back to when I used to go to church. I remember my youth pastor saying, "There is a reason that you are on the earth. God loves you and made you to glorify Him and serve Him." Does God even know what I'm going through? Why isn't He making my life better? Now that I think about it, before when I was reading my Bible and going to church, I didn't feel broken then.

And something weird and yet amazing happened.

A small voice inside of my said "You can make it through this. God put you here for a reason. He wants you to run back to Him and love Him once again." I need God. He knows what I'm going through. He's God. God put me where I am right now for a reason. Maybe I can use this hard time to share with people how I got over it. But how do I get over it?

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