Gods Awakening: The legendary Crystal - Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

Many months before these events occurred down in the darkest depths of any hell you can imagine, the underworld swarmed with Sharlo being captured and locked up into small cages and cells. Red and green blood dripped down from the ceilings, bodies where struggle had noticeably happened was being moped and cleared up and the minions kept those that tried to escape under magical torture and punishment. It seems to be the only weakness the Sharlo have down there at the cost advantage of their physical strength being greater than it has ever been.

A crystal surrounded a huge dark being that slept unconscious with dark demonic power flowing around what seemed to be an ice cage. Its wings were greater than a small town and was in total the size of a great city with hundreds of people living within, those that walked by it seemed to be communicating telepathically with it despite it showing no movements.

“Yes master I threw the stone out before the portal closed just like you ordered do I get my reward now owe great and powerful one sir” the minion that stood toe nail high to his dark lord bowed and returned to upright position, around him others continued their work enslaving Sharlo and keeping order. An experimental laboratory was in the process not far away from this conversation between minion and the dark lord.

 “Good work Erlena I hereby grant you the power of commander rank in my continuing to grow army of minions, HAHAHAHAHA good work indeed. But I have another mission for your new status I hope you’re ready for your next mission so early from your previous order” Without worry or complaint the women nodded a graceful bow to her lord before continuing on with his new orders.

 “Go to the surface world it should still be struck by the god of lightning and death I forget his name but that’s unimportant right now. You need to travel to the town of Romert and kill a young warrior named Prowen and bring him back here, bring him back here by whatever means necessary young Erlena and your reward will be greater than anything you can ever imagine” Bowing down to her dark lord she vanished in site heading towards the portal that connected all time and worlds together.

 A loud booming of laughter made the earth crumble and shake loose, entrances were closed in and new openings had formed, some of the weaker minions that were stupid enough to be killed by the falling earth had their life force taken in by the ice cage surrounding the dark lord, “what a site it is to see even my weaker minions offering their services to me even in death, but to break these chains that hold me in place I need a greater source of life someone worthy of being a god or greater yet the son of the god that locked me inside of these chains many years ago, HAHAHAHAHAHA fly Erlena hurry and bring Prowen to me, his blood is more than enough to open this cage that holds me in eternal slumber”

 Many holes and tunnel doors away from the dark lord, caged in bloody and rotten stanching cells were the Sharlo prisoners, now slaves to the undead  that had no idea of the pain that was about to come to them. The leaders of the captured Sharlo were two younger females named Chaz and Helslack which had more physical strength than any of the surviving prisoners. “You ready to break outta this hell and claim back our world out there” Chaz quietly shouted to Helslack who conveniently got locked up in a nearby cell with a disloyal minion that seemed to understand them both. “What’s this about a break out hey?  He picked himself up from the floor seeming interested in the idea. “What’s it to you, worthless scum”

 “I tell you this, I be locked up here for going against the undead king I’m better fitted for the role than he is, if only I had an army of my own” He looked around making sure no patrols or security bladors were nearby and in sight of the emptiness removed a key from his black jelly self “I’m going with you or this key you see, be destroyed along with any chance you have getting outta here”. 

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