Gods Awakening: The legendary Crystal - Chapter 1

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Thunderous strikes from steel and metal banged together in the flickering lightning bolts, blood and sweat sprayed the air franticly as undead minions clawed and ferociously attacked its pray.

“There’s so many of them”

He gasped for breath before striking again into the darkness of another demon.

Looking around, he noticed not too far ahead, was his destination Romert. The soldiers of the town were locking up their gate in sight of the undead patrol coming towards them.

“Hey!” The weak and tired man cried out.

“I’ll deal with these scum, reopen your gates stat!”

Standing back up on both feet, and pumping himself up for a run, he spiraled round slashing the remaining minions that jumped and ran at him with looks of death. Not even a second’s gap from the last one going down, a shadow of speed took for the towns’ gate that had slowly been opened for him.

Rays of flashing light beat down upon the helpless souls which continued their lives like everything was fine and dandy. Growing darker, the clouds consumed the sky, leaving only a few rays of light down upon the town of Romert.

Slowly, walking into Romert, the mysterious figure shadowed over the empty gray space which lay in front of him. His long jet black hair waved in the bitter winds wildly as the blood from his slashed left cheek oozed out, forming small drips which elegantly splashed on the cold surface of the ground. His light silver eyes scanned around as he walked towards a single well, a young woman was lent up against the brick singing softly to herself. Time became slow as the stranger of the town struggled towards the well, his body had almost gone to his limit as he scooped handfuls of the water which lay silently in the small pail.

Screaming came from all around, it echoed against the buildings which were filling up with people. The young women drew nearer to the man, whispering into his ear,

“Save us from this evil, it shall never truly be over until all the Crystalic Guardians have been re-awoken.”

Clutching onto his sword which was attached to his sheath that lay at an angle on his back, he looked towards the crowd of screaming women and children, men were protecting their love ones with everything they had against the foul demonic creatures which were seeping through the gate of Romert. Hurrying towards the fight, his vision become blurred, his muscles still weak from the encounter with the enemy a short period ago, this was going to put him into an even worse state than what he was already in.

Retrieving a small container from his left pocket, he consumed the remaining substance which silently lay at the bottom of the tube. Within seconds, energy was flowing throughout his body, with such limited time left before his new energy was consumed he slashed his sword out running at the enemy sparking the floor which now lay behind him, as his blade trailed along in the depths of the ground he let out an enraged cry.

From within the crowd, knifes which looked a lot like Shurikans

(A ninja weapon) came flying towards him decapitating a minions head from the rest of its lifeless body. Slashing at a couple of other minions coming towards him he continued his blood frenzy towards the heart of the enemy. Trailing blood came from the point of his sword as he jumped into the center of undead scum about to take the life of a small child.

Swinging his blade round at the minions that closed in on him he tightly grabbed the child with his left hand. Slaying four of the undead menace’s which had gotten in his path out of the enemies crowd, he back flipped over them placing the child down on the blood stained floor.

“Hay mister, thanks for saving me” the child revealed a small item, it looked like a yara (money) but was too filthy to tell from just looking at it.

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