Chapter 6

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Two days later, and I've barely seen Rico since our nuptials. And when I have, he can't make eye contact without snarling. I know he resents our marriage. And in all honesty, I don't blame him since I feel the same way.  

I assumed he'd be happy with my lack of interest in him. Until I walked into the cinema room last night and found him and Gia having sex. I was more embarrassed than anything else and promptly left them alone.

Sometime later, after swimming laps in the pool, I went to the kitchen where Rico was slamming cupboard doors and yelling at staff. I almost back tracked until he saw me. So I had no choice but to proceed and took a seat on the black stool.

A moment later, I was pouring myself a juice and wondering why he was watching me from the other side of the bench. Finally, he pushed his hands in his pants pockets and casually walked around the bench towards me. 

I gulped down the last of my juice and pushed the glass away. "Is everything ok?" I asked.

"It will be," he said.

Then, suddenly, he stepped in between my legs, completely catching me off guard. My breath caught in the back of my throat and my cheeks begun to burn, not only at his unexpected forwardness towards me, but at the men watching us from around the table.

Rico's green eyes roamed my face and his breath smelt of booze. "Don't you have a girlfriend?" I whispered.

He snorted at that. "I also have a wife I'm trying to figure out... unless you forgot we're married." His warm breath hit my face as he said it. But there is no way I could ever forget I was married to the man who headed the biggest crime family in the country. "I haven't forgotten that I'm married to you?" 

This was the closest he had come to me since he took my hand to slip the wedding band on it. So this felt weird. Even though I didn't like him as a person, I couldn't deny my obvious attraction to him, either. But regardless of the manly hotness he oozed, I saw it as an arrangement and nothing more. "What are you doing?" My eyes dropped to his fingers as they run up my thigh. 

"I thought it was time we were properly introduced. Wife, meet your new husband." He kissed my neck with a fiery hunger, and the men at the table started laughing. Rico's head snapped around to face them. "Get out!" he yelled. "Get the fuck out! Now!"

Rico's security team hurried from the table, leaving the large plate of sandwiches and jug of fresh juice behind. My gaze hit the floor and he lifted my chin. "I take it you're not interested in getting to know your new husband, then?"

"You're drunk."

 He shrugged a shoulder. "Maybe."

Unimpressed, I rolled my eyes. 

"Do you know how many women would love to be where you are right now," he huffed. "Why didn't you get angry when you saw her riding me? It's been bothering me all night."

I shrugged and said the truth, "because I don't care. Isn't that what you want?"

He looked angry, but he didn't touch me as he pushed back from the bench. "Then don't complain when you see her with me all the time." After that, he ran his arm along the bench top where the juicer and all the other equipment were located and knocked it all to the floor.

I thought he'd be thankful I didn't care, but apparently not caring who he slept with meant something to him.

But in my mind, this situation was temporary. Once our marriage was over, I intended on being with the man I loved—Only, I wasn't sure if I would live to see it happen.

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