Chapter 48

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Hi. Just a quick update for anyone who read the last chapter within the first couple of hours of me posting it. Not long after that I pulled it down and changed the ending as well as removed a scene. I have left a note at the end of chapter 47 explaining. Cheers!

Rico grumbles something under his breath, but I ignore him and exit the room. I'm immediately greeted by security pulling a single earphone from his ear. He nods and I force a smile. 

I'd forgotten he was here. I just assumed he would go away while I was in the office. Clearly, that's not the case. He needs to stay close. Which could become very awkward; especially in situations like this one. Did he overhear us? Probably since we weren't exactly subtle with the heavy breathing and moaning while we were having sex. 

I drop my head and start my walk along the empty hallway. I don't rush, but I don't drag my feet either as I do my walk of shame back to my room. 

Thankfully, security knows a thing or two about trailing someone without invading their space, since he keeps a respectful few steps between us. Not that I could go unnoticed with his heavy steps echoing through the hall and alerting anyone within ears shot that we're out here.

I turn into another corridor—passing the cinema room, the gaming room, both of which are empty. I say a silent thank you for that. Not that I don't want to interact with the Mancini's, because they've become my second family. But as I told Rico earlier, I'm not up for questions right now.

With the back of my finger, I wipe the tear from my eye and tap the lift button. God, I am such a cry-baby. I don't even wanna cry and yet the tears keep coming, which makes no sense. Unless it's the hormones making me so emotional. Either way, I do my best to contain the waterworks.

Once the lift arrives, I enter and stand by the back wall, security standing near the doors with his back to me. I stare past his wide shoulders, lost in my head and going over what Rico said. Why would he say such a thing? That man baffles me at times; one minute he can be so tender and the next cold and harsh.

The lift stops and the moment the doors open, my eyes widen at the sight of Rico coming, nostrils flaring and chest expanding against his tee shirt. Clearly, he's made a mad dash to get here.

His green eyes shift to security, and he jerks his thumb over his shoulder, "leave us for now. Do a lap around the estate and then resume your post. We need some privacy."

"No worries." Security nods and exits the lift, his long strides silenced by the thick carpet as he walks away.

My gaze turns to Rico, who is already looking at me. "Have you heard of breathing space?"

"I don't need it. I breathe better when I'm with you?" he says with a raised brow. "Can we talk?"

"Do I have a choice?"

"You always have a choice, Alexis."

"Ok. In my room."

I step from the lift and walk on ahead of him. Immediately, I sense him watching me. "You know that gown is so short I can almost see your arse."

With a glance over my shoulder, we make eye contact. That's when I grab the back of my gown and hoist it up, exposing my bare butt to him as I walk. "Get a good eye full. You might not see it again with your attitude." It's an empty threat, of course.

"What'd I tell you before, woman? Everything there is mine." He lurches forward to snag me in his arms, but I leap ahead of him. I'm unable to suppress my laughter as I rush into my room, not stopping until I reach the window. 

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