Chapter 41

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Back in the reception hall, while Rico and I sit at the table, Todd, one of Mancini's security team, gives a nod as he walks towards us. He takes in my hand entangled in Rico's lap, my thumb rubbing his knuckle as we share a new, in your face closeness we've not shared with outsiders before. We've never held hands before, then again, we've never shared this kind of genuine intimacy before. 

As off balance as our connection has been, it finally feels right. Like we've found balance emotionally. And the most amazing part of it is, it's reciprocated—which is incredible after how we started out.

Todd stops before us and nods, "Evening. Just got word a gang of bikers has entered the main gates and are on their way here."

Rico's fingers slip through mine, and he stands. "Then it's time we roll out the Mancini blood rug."

I grab his hand and shoot up from my chair. "What does that mean?"

"It means we're gonna wipe the problem out before it finds us."

"Have you forgotten about the other bigger problem that's already here?" I ask, referring to Grey.

"No, I've not forgotten." Rico's nostrils flare. "I'll splatter every wall in this place until I find him!"

"That's if you don't get killed first. No. Rico, please just let me talk to him. I'm the one he wants. And I'm almost certain it would put an end to this situation."

"Could be worth a try," Todd interjects.

Rico's head snaps around to him. "Rico Mancini does not hide beneath his wife's dress unless it's for pleasure! So shut the fuck up!"

Todd can't help but grin at that one. "I'm with you on that one, boss, 100%. I mean, not up your wife's dress, though."

Rico shakes his head. "Stay with Alexis. No one's getting within a sneeze of her. Understand."

Todd nods. "Gotcha."

"No, Rico, please," I plead, "we should leave together."

He pulls a face. "I'm not about to throw my hands up and run like a bitch. I'll die trying, unless I succeed, which means Grey will die for the first and last time."

I run my finger along Rico's hand, and his fingers curl around mine. There's no pretending anymore. Not about how I feel. My heart pumps for him, husband or not. I don't want a life without him.

I just wish I could wrap my arms around him and not let go. "Who would have thought we'd end up in love?" I squeeze my eyes shut and shake my head, now embarrassed that I'd said that. "Was that too overconfident of me? To assume you're in love with me."

Rico tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and lifts my hand to his mouth, pressing his lips to my knuckles as he kisses them. "I haven't had too many loves, but you standalone at the top of my tier, Alexis. I'd take the city out for you if you asked me to—that's how much I love you. And I've got no shame in admitting after you left me, I missed you so fucking terribly that I slept in your bed every night with the same sheets for a month.

I stare into his eyes and for the first time since Dom shot him, I'm scared for his safety. Tears fill my eyes and I want to cry because it shouldn't have to be this way. "I love you. Please, be careful. I don't want you getting hurt."

He takes my chin between his thumb and index finger and presses his mouth to mine. His warm tongue doing a sweep of my mouth before he pulls back and says, "Stop assuming I'll be the one who ends up hurt, huh?"

"I can't help it; he threatened to kill you. Of course, I'm scared for you." My heart hurts at what he's up against. And I can't help but feel responsible.

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