01. Pre'Nell, Peterson and William.

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date: july 20th 1980 ~ time: 12 noon. ~ pov: third person

Pre'Nell Mackey was one of the most beautiful girls anyone could see. Her skin was as dark as coffee and soft like melted butter. Her eyes would glow brown when she was happy. Her black hair could be compare to a willow tree, and she would style it in any protective style she felt like at the moment. She was so mannerly for a rich person. You wouldn't even think her family was noble natives of the land. Every man that layed eyes on her instantly fell in love, including Peterson Pierre.

pov: Pre'Nell Mackey

When Maybell went to retrieve the application form for my client, in came a fine young man. About 5'11, darkskin and muscular. Hair black & cut, styled in waves and skin clear. I sat at the front desk in awe. I was amazed at the sight I saw.

"Good Morning, I'm here for a scheduled appointment for 12:05". He said keeping his hazel eyes locked on mines.

"Yes sir, is it under Peterson Pierre?" I said whiles typing into my work computer.

"Yes ma'am". he said.

"Sit right in one of those seats and I'll let you know when it's time for you to come in". I said with a bright smile.

"Thank you, Miss...?"

"Mackey. Pre'Nell Mackey"

"What a beautiful name you have". he said with a smirk.

date: early august to mid october 1980 ~ pov: third person

Pre'Nell and Peterson spent lots of time together the past weeks. They learned each others hobbies, met each others parents, learned where each other grew up and talked about a future family. But there was a secret. Pre'Nell was supposed to marry and a bahamian man named William Roberts. William was a spolied and immauture man that was used to getting everything he liked. He was as thin as a pencil but had the mouth of a miserable old woman. He was so short that a 12 year old would look down at him and his lightskin didn't help him in anyway, the man reminded everyone of a albino crocodile. When William got news that he couldn't marry Pre'Nell a rage took over that no one could describe. The man drove from Albany to what is know as "The Pit" and asked for Mama Rika.

Once lead to her, he made a request;"I have a certain someone I need taken care of. He has taken my one true love away from me."

The woman looked at him and asked, "What is it you want me to do sir?"

"I need a tragedy to happen to anyone that falls in love with someone in that bloodline."

And with that he gave her a bathing towel Pre'Nell used to use when she slept by him. Once she recieved that she knew exactly what to do. She placed the towel in the caudrol and said a chant. Repeating it over and over about three times.

Then she said "It was done."

He left the old run down shack with a big smile on his face. Knowing his evil intentions, he was certain that his wish would come through and boy was he right.

date: 23rd january 2012 ~ time: 6:32 PM ~ pov: Andrea Pierre

"It was about 4 o'clock in the morning when I got the call that my pregnant wife had to go in labour immidiately because of a car crash she was in. My heart sank so low man. I couldn't even breathe. Air wasn't even in the atmosphere at this point. I miss that woman."

"His pulse is getting faster". the nurse said, followed by a "DOCTOR! DOCTOR NEED URGENTLY"!

Then a repeated beeping sound accourred.

"CLEAR THE ROOM!" followed by a "CLEAR!" then a shock. Another "CLEAR!" .

"Mama, why it not playing?" I asked in confusion.

"Because after that Pom Pom died". Mother replied.

pov: third person
Is this what William asked for? Both of them dead? His true love and the man that took her? William was so devastated to hear the news about Pre'Nell. Only thing in his head was that he was resposible for it and that drove him insane.

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