Dare 8

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Okay, I should've done Truth 8 but the special dare is not included in normal ones. So if there is an special occasion I would make the special truth. Oh, and sorry that I've been not updating lately, that's because my mom took my tablet. So, I already have it. Enjoy!

Himeragi: Kojou, could we go to the beach?

Kojou: Sorry Himeragi, we can't. I don't have enough money

Himeragi: Well then, let's just play truth or dare! so, truth or dare?

Kojou: Dare

Himeragi: I dare you to book a room at the beach house

Kojou: Okay, you just help at the money

At the beach

Nagisa: Wow! this beach looks beautiful!

Aiba: I know, right?

Sayaka: I'l go change into my bikini! (I need to impress Kojou and ditch Himeragi)

Aiba: Me too!

Nagisa: Me three!

Himeragi: K-Kojou, I'll change first, okay?

Kojou: Okay, Himeragi!

After a few minutes later

Sayaka and Aiba: Hi Kojou!

Kojou: Hi guys! where's Himeragi?

Aiba: I don't know, but I heard crying

Kojou: I'll go find her

Aiba: Bye!

Sayaka: I hate this! we haven't even impressed Kojou!

Aiba: That's okay for me

At Kojou

Himeragi: Help!

Guy: Hey, babe!

Kojou: What're you doing to my girl?! *punches the guy*

Guy: *punches back*

After a few minutes

Kojou: Are you okay? what did he do?

Himeragi: He said that he's gonna r-rape me

Kojou: It's okay now *hugs her*

Himeragi: Let's go back

Kojou: Let's go!

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