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Hey guys! I'm just making a one-shot for Himeragi's birthday this year. I don't know the date, but I'm making this just in case I forgot to make one this year. It's almost my birthday too! It's on February 19. Anyway, this is also a Naegi X Kristin one-shot. You can change the name to your name if you like. Anyways, enjoy! It might be bad, though. Ehehe

Kristin's POV

Kristin: *yawns* it's still morning and I'm still sleepy...what time is it, anyways? *checks the time* the fudge?! It's already 7:00! I'm gonna be late! (Haha, 6:30 is the normal time I wake up. Naturally)

Makoto: Kristin-chan?

Kristin: Uwaah! Naegi?!

Makoto: We came because it's Himeragi's birthday!

Kyoko: *enters my room* that's right

Kristin: Double fudge

Makoto: Anyways, what are you saying late?

Kristin: I have to buy a gift, and I already have one in mind! But I guess it already have been taken...CURSE YOU, ALARM CLOCK!

Makoto: ':) you didn't have to shout, you know...

Kyoko: What's with this room?

My wallpapers were pink with pink roses designs with a line of light blue with lighter blue polka dots.

I have a huge vanity containing my makeup and perfume. I have a big walk-in closet containing different clothes.

There was a balcony with a table where I usually read and eat breakfast. Unless it was raining. There was a lot of stuff but I'm too lazy to explain further.

Kristin: I'm sorry if you don't like it. I didn't design this mansion, after all

Makoto: Aren't you supposed to buy a gift?

Kristin: Shoot. I completely forgot

I then went quickly inside of my walk-in closet and closed the door.

I changed into a light blue sleeveless shirt with a white collar, white hoodie with two purple stripes at the side, white skirt and white long socks.

I wore a pair of purple Converse detailed with a blue techy-type design and put on my purple headphones detailed with blue.

I left my jacket zipped halfway and picked up my golden key necklace which was given by Kiri and Naegi. I then got out.

Kyoko: Let's go

Naegi then held my hand then led me outside. I was shocked at first, but I just followed. A few minutes later, we arrived at the gift shop.

I grabbed a sky blue box tied with a white sparkly ribbon.

Makoto: What's inside that box?

Kristin: Why don't you look inside it yourself?

I passed to him the box. Inside was a silver necklace with a silver heart-shaped key detailed with swirls and blue little diamonds.

Makoto: I think...

Kristin: Yeah, say it already. I don't even care anymore

Makoto: would look greater on you

Kristin: Eh? *blushes*

Makoto: *realizes what he said and immediately turned flustered* ahahaha...ha

Kyoko: I already got a gift

Makoto: Me too

Kristin: Well then, let's go already! Oh, and would Sayaka and the others will come as well?

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