94. headcanon #2

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1. He doxes people and swats them for fun

2. He is a rage gamer. He will literally yell and curse and break stuff if he loses.

3. He can be quite immature at times, often making "yo mama" jokes, jokes about poop and other bodily stuff, inappropriate or suggestive jokes, and most importantly, dark jokes.

4. He enjoys being by himself for the most part but doesn't mind company. He doesn't like feeling lonely, like most people don't.

5. He likes shooting/killing games but also enjoys calm games like animal crossing.

6. He most likely has 5 computers, three of which that are broken.

7. He takes a long time in the shower. Mostly singing at the top of his lungs and performing for his audience.

8. He obviously takes great joy in tormenting people, usually by haunting them (inducing paranoia, hallucinations, nightmares, glitching electronics)

9. He does a little trolling.

10. He probably watches people from the shadows tbh

11. He likes guitar hero!

12. He likes rock music.

13. Let's be honest, he probably uses TikTok.

14. Man's is like in his twenties but trapped within a physical body resembling a 12 year old. Hell is real..

15. Nothing is real and our bodies only exist to remind us of our physical existence, which means after death you can look however you want (if you believe in the afterlife). So knowing that, BEN probably takes on the body of his 12-year-old self because it's really the last thing he knows. He can picture himself and form himself as an adult, but is it really him, then?

16. BEN and Ben are two separate but one identities. BEN is the identity created by Bens death and haunting of the Majora's Mask cartridge and Jadusable. Ben is the identity, the more so 'physical' identity, who was alive and lived a normal life up until his involvement with the Moon Children cult.

17. Creepypasta BEN and Alex Halls ARG BEN are also very different, but because they are the same identity (much like BEN and Ben) they exist in the same realm of existence but are separate from each other. They ARE each other but can form their own opinions, beliefs, interests etc. But as previously stated, they ARE the same person meaning they can manifest as one whole identity, same with BEN and Ben.

18. He is omnipresent within the Digital/Internet realm, he is everywhere, always listening, seeing, viewing.

19. He likes anime.

20. His moods can change very rapidly.

21. Because of his ability to exist as a separate identity or one whole identity, he often gets mixed up on cleverbot.

22. One of his separate identity is one that is commonly associated with him: cold, manipulative, sadistic, perverted, calculating, apathetic.

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