Blaze Heart: -knocks on door- "princess you home? I was wondering if you would like to play a game?
Luna: "no thank you im busy"
Blaze Heart: "doing what raising and seting the moon in the middle of the day?"
Luna: "haha very funny but no I have something else im working on."
Blaze Heart: "your still arent on level 12 are you lunn?"
Luna: -flings open the door and jumps on him- "BLAZE!!! hehe your here! Wait.... WHERE WERE YOU! You left me all alone for a hole year"
Blaze Heart: "ur much heavier here than on the moon, but still cute." -he grinned luaghing-
Luna: "hmph am not" -she grinned kissing his cheek-
Guard 2: -drops spear in shock and runs away- "oh my, I must inform celestia about this"
Blaze Heart: "should I get him?"
Luna: "no my sister already knows I told her about you when I got back, man that guard is going to drop when he finds out haha"
Blaze Heart: "yeah one more thing"
Luna: "what?"
Blaze Heart: "look down"
Luna: "down? What .... are..... you.....oh...ooh...hmmnn" -she finishes biteing her lip"
Doctor Whooves and Blaze Heart (clopfic 18+)
FanfictionEllo everypony, this is a doctor whooves clopfic, i tryed to get alot of this as accurate as i could while still haveing an adventure and 1 or more dirty scenes. (i used the doctor that likes butter and has a green tie, i used my oc character as the...