Chapter Four

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It's been three days and Taryn hasn't had an iccident yet. She remained quiet and locked herself in the room most of the time. Today, I have to go to rehearsals with the lads and I had to leave Taryn home. Gemma did show up to keep her company and make sure she's okay. All was well, until I saw I had several missed calls on my cell phone.

My phone went off again. "Hello?" I answered.

"HARRY, COME HOME NOW!" It was Gemma screaming in the phone. The lads could hear her and they rushed over. "What happened?!" I asked her. There was a bunch of shouting and thudding noises in the background. "Gemma!" I shouted in the phone. Niall pressed his ear against the otherside of my phone. "HARRY, I NEED YOUR HELP! PLEASE, GET HOME NOW!" Something bad obviously happened or is happening. I groaned with fear, "Okay! Let me go!" I hung up and looked at the lads. Niall cringed, "That was a very unhealthy phone call." I handed my microphone to Louis and my ear piece. He watched me rush through this process. "Harry, what's going on?" He asked me. I shook my head, "I can't explain now, I have to run!" Louis put his microphone, ear piece and mine as well down on the speaker. "I'm going with you!" I guess I could use back up. I nodded. The others decided to come along too, so they were about to experience the worst, I think?

When we arrived, I jumped out of the car and ran up to the door. I hesitated as I unlocked and opened the door.

"Gemma!" I called out. "Taryn!!" I ran around looking for them. Louis followed me and called out for them as well. They weren't in the kitchen, the living room or in the backyard. "HARRY!" I heard someone shout. "SHUT UP, GEMMA!" I sighed with concern. "Oh no..." I ran into the hall, stopped and stared at the floor. My eyes widened and I was afraid to continue down.

"Is that blood?!" Zayn asked.

I couldn't wait any longer, I bolted down the hall, following the trail of blood drops. I tried opening Taryn's door but, she locked it. I slammed my hand on the door. "TARYN, UNLOCK THIS DOOR!" I jiggled the door knob. "NO!" She screamed back. I slammed my shoulder against it, trying to break it open. Gemma screamed, "STOP IT, TARYN!" Taryn made a loud cry in pain. Liam pulled me back a few feet, made hand gestures to knock the door down to get in and then nodded. We ran and the door broke off the hinges, collapsing to the floor. "Gemma!" I ran over. She was on top of Taryn, trying to take something from her. "GIVE IT TO ME!" Gemma shouted. "NO!" Taryn screamed in her face. Louis and Niall pulled Gemma off of Taryn. Taryn tried to make a run for it but, Liam grabbed her and turned her to me. "She's bleeding!" Liam shouted. I grabbed Taryn's wrist. She screamed in agony. I let go and looked at the blood on my hand. Zayn picked a knife up off the floor. "Gemma, what was she doing?" Gemma went to speak but, Taryn shouted at her, "DON'T YOU DARE SAY IT, BITCH!" I took a deep breath and held out my hands. "Let me see your arms..." I said softly. Taryn shook her head and tried to free herself from Liam's grip. Liam held her still. "Taryn, let me see your arms." I asked but, I was getting strict with her. "LEAVE ME ALONE YOU LITTLE PRICK!" She shouted at me. I grabbed her arms and held them out so I could see them.

"Oh, Taryn..." I said with sympathy. "Look what you did to your arms!" Taryn tried pulling her arms away. I gripped them tighter but, with caution, trying not to touch her deep cuts or make her bleed even more.

"Louis, go get the first aid kit from the bathroom, Niall go fetch a wet cloth, Zayn help Gemma mop up the floors." I said looking at Taryn's cut up wrists.

They all scrambled out of the room.

Liam helped me carry Taryn over to her bed. She got up to run but, we grabbed her and held her down. "GET OFF OF ME!" She shouted. I shook my head, "Nope, you brought this on yourself." She groaned, "LET ME GO!" Taryn twisted her wrist in my grip, causing the blood to pour out of her cuts. "Taryn, please stop!" I yelled. She started to cry, "FUCK MY LIFE!" She twisted her wrists again. Louis and Niall ran back in with the washrag and the first aid kit. I took out my cellphone. Taryn gasped. "NO, DON'T SEND ME BACK!" I looked down at her. "What are you talking about?" She sobbed, "Don't put me back in the crazy house, please! I won't do it again!" I looked over at Liam. He shrugged because he didn't understand the situation. He was in shock about everything. I looked down at her. "Taryn, I'm not sending you back to the crazy house." She struggled to get up again. I gently pushed her back down. "Stop fighting." I said to her. "Louis, call management and tell him I can't make it to rehearsals for the rest of the week. Tell them I'm taking care of an ill relative." Louis nodded and took my cellphone. Taryn was still crying. "Shh," I whispered. "It's okay, I'm not sending you back." Taryn started to relax.

After we cleaned up her arms, wrapped them in gauze and cleaned up any of the blood in the house, I asked everyone else to leave so I could talk to Taryn.

"Taryn," I said. She started to panic. "Look, I'm sorry, I didn't mean too! I swear it won't happen again! " I sighed, "Taryn, stop apologizing..." She shook her head, "No, I can't I made a mistake and, and,"

"Taryn," I cut her off. "It's okay... I'm not mad, upset or even scared." Taryn lowered her head and looked at the floor. "How come, when I asked you what's wrong, you refused to tell me?" I asked her. She didn't answer me. "Taryn, you knew that I knew something was bothering you. Why didn't you tell me or even talk to me about what was crossing your mind?"

She was still silent.

"I'm tired..." She whispered.

I sighed, "Okay, but, you're staying next to me tonight." She went to protest. "AH!" I said. "After what you just pulled, I can't trust you being alone." Taryn sighed and nodded.

Taryn dragged her feet as she walked down the hall and into my room. She sat down on my bed, still silent and refusing to look at me. "Taryn, you're going to be okay." I said softly. She just lied down and snuffled. It's heart breaking, lets be honest here. She's young and she already wants to end the life she has. I didn't know what else to say. I lied down next to her. "You'll end up bringing me back..." Taryn said. I sighed, "No I won't." She nodded, "Sure you will. You'll give up and leave me there... Just like my mom did..." I listened to her silently whimper. She hesitated as she began to speak again. "Believe me, Harry. I know when someone's had enough..." She whispered. "And, you're pretty close to it..." She pulled the covers over her shoulder and turned her back to me. Taryn fell asleep instantly but, I couldn't even close my eyes. She believes the whole world has given up on her, she believes she's not worth my time, my breath.

Well, she's wrong...

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