Chapter Three

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After I finally convinced the doctors, nurses and other legal guardians that I will take her home and take care of her, she was released to me.

Taryn acted like she's never seen the real world before. The car ride home, she admired other cars and people. The music being played on the radio, she listened carefully to, when we stopped for food, she made sure that the food was still fresh and good or else she wouldn't eat it. And, finally, when I brought her home, she was silent as she stared at the big house in front of her.

I looked down at her, "Well, ready to come inside?"

Taryn looks a little scared. She's hesitating to answer me. She nodded. I lead her to the front door, carrying her things and paying attention to her actions. I opened the door and let her step in first. Taryn looked up at the tall ceiling, around the room and then back at me. I put her things down by the door, shut the door and sighed.

"Well, do you like where you're living?" I asked approaching her. Taryn didn't reply, she just looked up at me. She looked like she was crying. She gave me a tight hug and snuffled. "Harry...Thank you." She whispered. I wrapped my arms around her and took a deep breath. "No problem, love." I replied softly. She pulled out of the hug and wandered around the house. Taryn touched all the awards that the lads and I took turns keeping. "What are these for?" She asked. I laughed, "They're for the band and our success, even though I honestly think our fans deserve them. We owe it all to them." Taryn smiled and gently placed the moon man down. "That's sweet." She said with a tiny giggle. She skipped down the hall. "WOW!" Her voice echoed. "YOUR ROOM IS SO BIG!" I giggled and walked down the hall. When I came to the doorway, I found her rolling around on my bed. "IT'S SO SOFT!" She shouted. I shrugged, "I guess so." Taryn jumped up and looked out the window. She touched the glass. "That's a lovely view." Taryn came back over to me.

"You didn't have to take me in." She said looking up at me..

"Well, I wanted to. You can't stay cooped up in that home forever."

She twirled her hair. "It felt like forever..." I shook my head, "You don't have to go back. I think you're ready for the real world." Taryn shrugged and played with her nails.

I nodded, "Well, let me show you were you'll be staying."

We walked to a door at the end of the hall. I opened it, "Here's your room." Taryn looked around in admiration. She grinned, "I've never had such a nice room..." Taryn had that feeling that she knew she was free. She was so relaxed and calm, she knew someone cared about her. She turned to me. "But, you're not always going to be gone, are you?" I tilted my head, "What do you mean?" She took a deep breath. "Well, like, you're not always going to gone and busy, like, even though your famous and all..." I knew where she was getting at. She had this thing for being left behind or alone. I shook my head, "Nah, I'll be here more often and, when I do have to go for the band stuff, I arranged Gemma, my older sister, to come and keep you company." Taryn nodded and looked around the room again. I sighed, "Well, I'm going to make dinner, is there anything specific that you would like to eat?" Taryn shrugged, "Nothing with meat, vegetables, rice, beans, or big plates of foreign food."

Well, I need to make a note that she's a very, very picky eater. I nodded, "Okay, I'll come and get you when it's ready. You just get comfy and feel free to look around if you get more curious."

At dinner, Taryn just kind of pushed her food around, making weird faces at it. She attempt to take a bite but, then put her fork down. I watched her the whole time. She became reckless and shifted several times in her seat. "Harry, I'm suddenly not hungry, can I go take a shower?" I nodded, "Of course, don't worry about your plate, I'll take care of it."

Taryn ran off like she was being chased away.

I sighed. I have a feeling it's going to be a lot more work than I thought.

Once I cleaned up the kitchen, I went down the hall to go to my room. As I passed the bathroom, a sudden whimpering noise caught my attention and I stopped walking. The whimpering came from the bathroom. I walked up to the door to listen. Taryn was crying. She was mumbling to herself and I became worried. I didn't want to knock on the door to check on her because, I didn't know if I should disturb her or let her be. So, I just went to my room, changed into a pair of sweat pants and a tight, plain white t-shirt, and then slipped under the covers.

"9:34..." I whispered as I read the clock. I've been lying here since 7:12, my mind was racing with thoughts, concerns, all kinds of things. I was fearing about the week coming up. I had a lot of rehearsals for the world tour but, I didn't want to leave Taryn behind.

I continued to lie there for the next two hours...

I eventually got up and went to check on Taryn. I slightly and quietly opened her bedroom door, she was sitting on the side of the bed looking down at her feet.

"Taryn?" I asked.

She lifted her head and looked over her shoulder. "Oh, hi Harry..."

"Are you okay?"


I went over to her. "Do you want to talk about what's bothering you?" Taryn shook her head. I sat down next to her. Taryn moved away from me. I sighed, "Taryn, what's the matter?" She didn't reply, she was crying again. "Taryn," I said softly. "Somethings bothering you..."

"Get out..." Taryn whispered. I remained sitting on her bed. "Get, out, now..." She whispered through her teeth. I shook my head, "Not until you talk to me." Taryn growled and bit her tongue. I was letting her know that she didn't frighten me, I just sat there glaring back at her. Taryn snuffled, "Leave me alone, I don't want to look at you right now..." I didn't reply, I still sat there. She made a loud scream and threw her pillows at me. "GET OUT, STOP STARING AT ME!" I got up when she pushed me off the bed. I grabbed her forearms. "TARYN," I shouted to get her attention. She just fought with me, pushing me and trying to slap me in the face. I tried to hold her arms against her chest but, she was strong and she pushed her arms back. "LET GO OF ME!" She screamed. "STOP TOUCHING ME!" I let go like she said, I didn't want to disrespect her feelings. She panted, "You don't really care about me, you're a liar, you're a fake!" Taryn threw her pillows at me again. "You are just trying to screw me over, I'm worthless, I'M MENTALLY SCREWED UP!" Taryn pushed me, "YOU DON'T WANT ME, NO ONE WANTS ME, YOU KNOW I'M EASY BAIT, THAT'S WHY YOU PICKED ME FOR YOUR TRICKS!"

Taryn started crying again. I sighed, "You realize that you can't push me away..."

Taryn gave me a startled look. "Taryn, you don't scare me. I don't know you well enough to mess with you or judge you. I don't mess with people in general." I continued. "You can think what you want, I'll think what I want. I do want to help you." She started to cry even more. I couldn't bare seeing her upset so, I hugged her for comfort.

"I'm so sorry..." She whispered to me.

"Don't be sorry, I know what you're going through." She pulled out of the hug and wiped her tears. I walked her back to her bed. "Please, try and go to sleep." I said to her. She nodded and lied on the bed. I pulled the covers over her and sighed. "Goodnight, love. I'm here if you need me." I said. She nodded slowly and watch me walk to the door. I took one last look at her before I shut her light off and went back to bed.

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