Chapter Tweleve

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Berlin's POV-

        Raven was supposed to be dropping me off at my crib ,but she was knocked out in the  passenger seat. I drove pass the turn to my place and headed in the direction of her apartment building. I didn't want to disturb her by waking her and I also didn't want her to drive home sleepy. Driving about six more minutes I pulled up to her building she had her parking garage sensor/clicker hanging for her review mirror and the parking garage opened up allowing me to drive in. I found a park close to one of the elevator and parked her car. Hopefully they didn't have assigned parks and she wouldn't have a ticket or something waiting on her in the morning.

                 I Stepped out the car and made my way around to the passenger door. Opening the door she began to steer in her sleep . I froze I didn't want her to wake up. She stopped moving and I gently picked her up trying my best not to wake her. I reached down and grabbed the bags she had on the floor right by her feet, before standing up straight.She snuggled her head into my chest and continued to snore. Making my way to the elevator I adjusted her in my arms so I could press the button for her floor. The elevator dinged and I almost had a heart attack cause I just knew for sure it was gonna wake her after all my hard work of not trying to disturb her. The doors closed and we began to go up . The elevator stopped and dinged again making me roll my eyes a older black man stepped into the elevator.

            Once he noticed us he gave me a smile and a head nod and the rest of the ride up he had a amused look/ smirk on his face. "Young love" the old man said stepping out on ravens floor making his way down the hall. I stepped out right after him, making my way to ravens apartment I glanced back down the hall into the direction the old man went ,but I didn't see him and I didn't here a door open and close either. " oh hell nah this apartment complex haunted or some shit" I said unlocking her door and entering the apartment.

      I slipped off my shoes trying my best not to
Drop her. I made my way to her room and I plopped her on the bed and she instantly snuggled into her colorful pillow she had on her bed. I slipped her shoes and socks off before grabbing a gray blanket she had at the foot of her bed and placed it over her.
I looked around the room and admired decorating style. It was different and not to girly.

              I flicked the light off and made my way into the living room I turned on the tv and clicked the Netflix app

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              I flicked the light off and made my way into the living room I turned on the tv and clicked the Netflix app. A show popped up under watch again called " The women in the house across the street from the girl in the window".I clicked  that show and it started to play. I was hungry and I remember she had just gotten that box of chicken right before she scooped me. Plus I didn't carry it up here for nothing. Shit I almost dropped her and the other stuff I was carrying. I danced my way to the kitchen and put the food in the microwave.

         A hour and a half , 4 episodes and a box of chicken later she was still sleep. I decided to check on her and she was snoring lightly and laying on her right side. I walked back to the couch and laid down making myself comfortable. My long legs hung over the couch and my back was angled weirdly. I couldn't sleep on this couch if someone paid me. I made my way back to her room and laid next to her careful not to wake her and making sure there was a good amount of space between us. I got comfortable quickly. " I'm gonna have To ask her what kind of mattress this is when she wakes up this shit to comfortable" I whispered out loud. I closed my eyes just to remember I didn't turn the tv off.

         "Oh well  I'm not moving off this cloud" i said closing my eyes again. The AC was booming too I grabbed some of the gray blanket i put over Raven. I usually sleep only in my  boxers but I'm not home so I will just have to suffer. After laying there for about five minutes I sat up and slipped my shirt off throwing it on the floor. I laid on my back with my hand behind my head ,staring at the ceiling. Ravens light snoring and the sound of the AC is the last thing I heard before I fell asleep.

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