Chapter Fifteen 

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Berlin's POV-

           A stream of light  illuminated the room waking me up as it  cast over my face. I rolled onto my back looking at the ceiling. I stretched my arms out realizing the bed was empty. The smell of food ,specifically bacon hit my nose. I climbed out of bed and put my socks back on. I exited the bedroom and made my way towards the kitchen. Rounding the corner  my eyes landed on Raven as she scrambled the eggs. She was energetic, dancing and singing along to the music that was  playing softly.  The onesie she had on hugged her curves nicely.

        "Good morning Rae" I said making her jump

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        "Good morning Rae" I said making her jump. " Good morning Berlin I hope I didn't wake you" she said turning the stove off and plating  the eggs she just cooked. " No I woke up on my Own ,but what are you cooking" i said standing behind her looking over her shoulders to see what else was on the stove.
"Go have a seat I will bring everything over" she said pushing me out of the kitchen. She began bringing the food the table. " dang how much did you cook" I asked looking at the food she placed on the table. " I honestly didn't know what you like so I made a bunch of stuff" she said acting shy again.

                      " go ahead and eat before it gets cold" she said taking a seat across from me

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              " go ahead and eat before it gets cold" she said taking a seat across from me. I didn't hesitate ,I grabbed a serving spoon and began to plate my food. She grabbed a muffin instead of a pancake and I looked at her funny. "What ,why you looked at me like that" she said giggling. " cause you really picked a muffin over the pancakes wilding" I said making a funny face. She burst out laughing and that brought a big smile to my face. " I don't really like pancakes I like home made waffles but I didn't feel like making both , plus I bought these muffins the other day from this bakery  right down the road and they are so good I had six now I'm down to only four" she said plating  her food. " yeah you weird who doesn't like pancakes I said" taking a bite of my food. " me duh" she said getting sassy. She was loosening up again and i liked seeing her like this.

        I took a picture of my plate and posted it on my Instagram story cause this food was good as hell and it wasn't gone be plated all pretty like this in a minute. I tore that bacon up ,it was turkey bacon I could tell because it tastes a little different but it was still good. I glanced over to her and she was sipping her coffee and reading her book. She was really concentrating and I knew whatever she was reading had to be good. I pulled out my phone and began to reply to emails ,text messages , and my Dms on Instagram.

         I received a text message from the boys I completely forgot I was suppose to be linking with them later on so we could stream together

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         I received a text message from the boys I completely forgot I was suppose to be linking with them later on so we could stream together. I needed to head to my place and set up and hide my snacks from Rico ass. " Hay Raven I have to go , I forgot I'm streaming with the gang later and I have to set up before the arrive" i said standing up. She stood up to and we made our way to her room while I finished getting ready and grabbed my stuff. " I will call you later on" I said standing at her front door. " okay" was all she said. She looked sad and I hated that I was the cause. " hay I promise I'm going to call and honestly I don't wanna leave right now ,but I have too" I said pulling her into my arms giving her a hug.

           " Berlin I'm okay and I understand go have fun with the gang and I will talk to you later" she said trying to act unbothered. " okay talk to you later" I said before leaning down and kissing her lips. She was shocked and I kissed her forehead as well before leaving. She locked her door and I made way down the hall to the elevator. I paused G for ground floor and the elevator opened a minute later. " Hold the elevator" I heard someone yell. I stuck my foot in the doorway to keep it from closing and the old man from yesterday stepped on to the elevator with me.

Once he saw who I was his face lite up like a light bulb. " Fun night" He asked smirking. "Ummm I...." I said trailing off cause I was honestly speechless . " well it seems like you two had fun" he said looking a his watch. " from what I heard lots of fun" he said looking back at me chuckling. I joined him laughing cause it's crazy how bold and open this old man was. The elevator opened and we both stepped out walking through the lobby ". He turned to walk to the door that lead to the parking garage. " Have a great day young man and by the way Berlin I'm Henry" he said walking trough the door and closing it.

I didn't even get time to respond to what he said. He knew my name and there was only two ways he could have known my name he was apart of eezygang or he heard Raven screaming it last night. My bets are set on the last option of those two. I mean I was so caught up in the moment and I loved hearing her scream my name that I didn't really care how loud she was. I honestly like when women are vocal during sex. I took out my phone and texted PJ to see how far he was from me and he responded back that he was close. I hope he hurries up I'm ready to get to my place and take care of my hygiene. I should be more patient because I know how LA traffic be ,but I low key had the Itis as well so I'm ready to get home

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