Chapter 13: Devoted

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Whirring by a Helicopter landed in the field by the barn as a few went out to check, immediately after gunshots were heard. "Fuck, they really were going to come at midnight. But the sun just set not too long ago." Ethan looked out the window. "Yeah well the President was a liar, what can you expect?" As the people ran around grabbing guns Sarah came towards us. "Looks like they are attacking us now, we managed to take them out but we can see more helicopters coming in the distance." As she said that more helicopters landed in the field, gunning down the people who were shooting at them. "Fuck we aren't going to survive, we need to run Sarah." Sarah looked out the window, bodies on the ground as all but five of her people were dead. "Follow me."

As we made a break for the nearby buildings the five who remained noticed as they got shot. "YOU TRAITOR, YOU ARE JUST GOING TO LEAVE YOUR PEOPLE BEHIND SARAH?" Dragging us into a building, she shut the door and pushed a dresser in front of it. The soldiers saw us though and were approaching the building as they shot through the windows. "At this rate they are going to kill us." Ethan said panicking as he hugged his dog closely, and then Sarah laughed. "It wasn't the way I wanted to go out but no other choice, listen. There's a basement, get into it and wait until they leave." Zach started to pull me along to the basement as I stared at Sarah, tears rolling down my face. "You can't, you don't have to die. Come with us." Sarah looked at me smiling softly as she moved the dresser. "I'm sorry but they know we are here, if I draw them away you three can survive. Just promise me one thing, promise me you'll kill the President."

Morning came as the sun rose, Sarah's sacrifice managed to protect us and the military had left us but Ethan seemed hopeless. Zach kept watch upstairs and I looked at the gun Sarah had given me, I couldn't get the night out of my head. She gave us no time to react as she charged outside drawing them away from the house, standing her ground she let them have it. Firing multiple shots with her trusty assault rifle, she managed to take out at least six of the people who were after us before they shot her dead in the head. Clenching the gun I could feel the tears running down my face as Zach walked downstairs and called Ethan over who hadn't moved from the corner since I woke up, he couldn't sleep during the night. I felt a bit of guilt at the fact that I was able to get rest after losing all those people.

"There is an airfield nearby that I do not think the military has taken yet, but seeing as they attacked us before we could even begin our attack. I think we should assume they have taken control of it, meaning we will have to find a way to sneak in so we can get a jet." Ethan stood up walking over, his dog following behind him as he rubbed his eyes yawning. "We were lucky enough that you could manage a private jet before but this isn't like that or helicopters Zach. What we are talking about is a fighter jet that will go at fast speeds, a military vehicle. Are you sure you can operate it?" Zach sighed as he looked down at the assault rifle Sarah let him have, before looking back up at Ethan. "I'm not, but we have to try anyways. The blood of the Saviors of Humanity, but more importantly the blood of Sarah is on our hands. We have to make good on her final request."

Standing up I felt as if I was possessed by some dark entity, I didn't feel like myself but I wasn't even frightened as I stared Zach down wiping my tears.

"You, you're a moron. We have went through so much shit, and for what? We tried to find the executive bunker so we could find out what's going on, and then it was over run. We fled to North Dakota, the place where the President was and what did we find? The harsh truth that nothing is going to change because this entire hell was created by those in charge, and when we dared defy them they threw us to the infected. We almost died, and we would have if it wasn't for you Zach. We are alive because you didn't tell us the truth about your immunity. Most people would have quit, most people would have gave in. And yeah I know it makes me no better than that intern, but I see why he caved in and submitted to the infected. I understand why he didn't dare to fight back, it's because this world isn't worth living in. When we found a group of people, our hope for taking down the President felt like it wasn't just a silly thought. But we managed to forget that the military was on our back, we somehow put aside that they said they would hunt us during the night. Knowing that information we led all those people to their deaths, and none of them had to die. If we had just went on our way we could have found somewhere to hide and live whatever days we have left, and they wouldn't have had to be murdered."

Falling to my knees my tears came back rolling down my face as I looked down at the ground, cursing my existence. Sarah's smile was all I could remember when I thought of how she died, and then it happened. Zach kneeled down in front of me as he wiped my tears.

"You're scared and that's okay, this entire situation is still hard to cope with. I understand how you feel Jake, I feel the same way deep down. I told those people a whole bunch of lies and propaganda, I needed them to agree. Because if we couldn't get them on our side then there was no way we would be able to take the President out and get his men off our back, we would be on the run forever. I wanted them on our side because then there was a less likely chance you would die, you are all I care about. The only reason I can push forward in this hell, the only reason I can find happiness in the remains of this broken world is because of you. I want nothing more than to spend the rest of our days in peace away from everything and everyone, Jake. But unless we take out the President, that future will never come to fruition. I'm not a moron, I know that our chances are slim. I know that if we try to take him out with just the three of us, there is a 90% chance we will die. But we have to try, because if we refuse to fight and make good on Sarah's death. All of this will have been for nothing. I'm not asking you to help Ethan and I for Sarah's sake, Jake. I am asking you to fight for me, help us take down the President on my behalf. Please."

Hugging him tightly for a solid five minutes Ethan laughed as he walked up stairs. "Once you lovebirds are done, let's head for the airfield. We can't waste any time waiting or else the military will be even more ahead of us." As my face lit up red, Zach helped me stand up, picking up our supplies we made our way upstairs. "This way, think it's best if we don't go out the front door seeing as that's where all their bodies are." Leaving the house Zach led as our journey to get to the airfield and begin the operation to take out the President began. Most people would have given up at that point, but that's because they are without a reason to continue existing. Thanks to Zach and Ethan we would have a shot at giving people hope, a reason to push through this hell. If we could make it out of this alive, we would be able to live and see a day where the virus was just a horrible memory do the past.

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