Chapter 11: The Plan

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As I made my way to the ladder Ethan and Zach followed behind, Ethan looked over at Zach and took his gun hiding it under hay so they wouldn't know we took it. Once we got to the end of the ladder there Sarah and her group stood, some had assault rifles and the others had bags. "Welcome to our place, if you took something it's completely fine as we are all just humans trying to survive in this infected world. If you took something please tell us so we can replace it, and if you haven't taken anything and don't intend on staying with us. Do not be afraid to ask and we will let you take some supplies so you can survive out there." I looked over at Zach remembering the assault rifle he picked up and Ethan hid.

"I took an assault rifle, but out of fear you wouldn't like that we left it up on the 2nd floor of the barn." The group of people scattered around doing their thing, some keeping guard outside the Barn while others sat down to rest. "Well if you want you can keep it, as a method of payment I would like to ask about where you three came from." Zach went up the ladder to get the gun as Ethan got his dog down. "Well we worked for the company behind this whole fiasco, we came from California with the CEO and found out that the President was working with him to make this happen. After I punched him, they knocked us out and put us to fight the infected. After we managed to take them down, we ran until we found this barn."

Sarah stared at me with such amazement she was pretty, but some part of me felt like I was looking at Liz. It was troubling to think about, all I could remember was her getting eaten as the bunker door was shut. "I see, well that's upsetting to hear. Well you three are free to stay with us, we can protect you either until you go on your journey or if you want to stay we would be more than happy to have help as we are about to go back to town." I thought for a second on what would be the better choice before remembering the plan to take out the President. "We'll stay and help you out for now, I'm not sure if we have a plan for ourselves yet anyways. As Ethan and Zach came down the ladder Sarah began to walk away before Ethan spoke up. "Excuse me, ma'am. What is your group called?"

She turned around with a bright smile, she reminded me of Zach. They were both somehow able to be positive when the world was going to shit. "We call ourselves the Saviors of Humanity, because we are going to do what it takes to eliminate the infected and bring an end to this plague." She walked outside and began talking to some of her people about going back to the town to get more supplies as Ethan pulled Zach and I aside. "Alright they're friendly, we might be able to convince them to help us take out the President and his army. But I think first we should help them get supplies and so on so we can build trust before we ask for the favor." Zach nodded as one of the people walked by seeming angry at the fact that we were here.

"What's his problem? Zach asked as he watched him walk away. I sighed as I walked outside with Ethan and Zach following. "Probably just thinks we will hog resources maybe? Or just doesn't like the idea of new people joining them." Ethan let his dog run around, it seemed to boost the mood of some of the Saviors of Humanity as they pet him. Sarah walked over as we were watching Blake play with the people. "Alright so you guys aren't staying with us for the long run but you intend on helping us with getting resources, so tell me what's in it for you? Do you want something in return other than supplies, or are you just doing it out of an act of kindness?"

Before I could speak Ethan grabbed my arm as I looked at him. "Just act of kindness, but if we think of something we will be sure to ask you." Sarah looked a bit confused as Zach caught on but still decided to tell her anyways. "We want your people's help in taking out the President and his military. We know it's a lot to ask but with his military he is a threat to any and all survivors as they will do what they can to eliminate anyone who does not fall in line with his leadership." To our surprise Sarah actually took a bit to think it over as she looked around at her people considering the risks before she looked back at us. "Such a plan would risk the lives of my people, that is not a decision I can make. So once we get back I will let you make a case to them and if a majority want to help, we can discuss a plan using the people who want to fight."

Ethan's smile was so wide, I guess he didn't expect them to accept even if it is a half accept. "Thank you, ma'am." She nodded and walked away as people started getting ready to make the journey to the town, saying goodbye to his dog Ethan joined Zach and I in line as we made off for the town. A few minutes passed and we were half way there, it felt like forever though. "Thanks for the pistol Sarah, I really appreciate it." Ethan seemed so focused on the fact that everyone was spread out, Sarah's plan when traveling in big groups was to spread out so we could alert others if something was coming. It was a decent plan as it gave us cover and time to change our path, as well as made our scent less likely to be picked up since we weren't all bundled together. "You're welcome, Jake. We can't have anyone coming on this trip without a gun after all, especially considering we might run into some infected."

After arriving in the town everyone split up into packs of two to search the buildings, unfortunately this meant I couldn't be with Zach and Ethan but Sarah chose me so that was a bit reassuring. As we strolled down aisles in the food market Sarah noticed me only looking at her and not my surroundings. "You didn't strike me as the kind of person who was into girls." My face lit up a bright red as I looked to the side embarrassed. "I-I'm sorry I didn't mean to stare it's just you remind me of someone I met before the outbreak began." She chuckled as she put canned foods in her bag. "It's alright, I take it that she didn't make it?" I sighed as I got canned foods for my bag. "Yeah, she was an intern. I tried to save her but Ethan, the guy with glasses stopped me so I wouldn't get eaten." 

"I'm sorry to hear, what was her name?" I stood up as I looked back at Sarah. "Her name was Liz." Sarah walked towards me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Well in the event my people agree to take down the President, let's do it in Liz's honor huh?" I smiled softly as I went to follow Sarah out the food market but the sound of a can falling caught my attention, turning around there stood an infected. "JAKE GET DOWN!" Sarah tackled me as it lunged at me, missing by an inch. We fell on the floor and the cans hurt like hell, before I could even react Sarah had already stood back up as she fired two shots into the infected's head. "Are you alright?" She looked at me lending a hand, I nodded as I took it and stood up.

Rushing in with their guns aimed Zach, Ethan, and a few others saw us before putting their guns down. "Was it only one of them?" One of them shouted as Sarah walked forward giving them a nod. As we made our way back to the barn Zach checked my arms. "You need to be more careful." I looked to the side my face red, it seemed like Zach was always having to save me. Sarah looked back catching a glance, giggling before looking back forward. My face only grew more red as I looked to the side embarrassed. "I'll try, just stop treating me like a kid." Zach chuckled as he pat my head. "So you third wheeling them, Ethan?" Ethan looked up from the radio he found, he had been trying to tune it since we left the town. "Yeah but it's not so bad." Sarah smirked. "Well there's the barn."

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