When Eyes Meet: Chapter 1 || A Messy Beginning || A fictional lesbian story ||

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Every school girl has a diary. Whether it's private forever, and kept with secrets from the world. Or they at some point in life decide to share it. Perhaps I should introduce myself. My name is Yuukari Kazane. I am a 15 year old female, and I'm 5'9. A lot

of people say I'm tall for my age but I'm fine with that. I have light pink hair, brown eyes, and my skin is fairly pale. I usually get up for breakfast around 7:00 a.m. because school doesn't start until 9:00 a.m. My mom doesn't live with us anymore, she has

passed away. So it's just me and my older sister. I go to Bijutsu High School. It's a huge school, so usually I hide in the back of the school. Well, I guess I should start this now. It was a sunny Tuesday, and I was walking through the hallways of the school. I

had my headphones in, and my eyes closed. Suddenly I bumped into a girl. I grabbed her notebook and pencils and handed it to her. As we looked up and locked eye contact with each other, I admired her every feature. Her eyes were stunning. I usually don't get this feeling, but she looked like an

angel. Long black hair with bangs, and white highlights. Her eyes were blue. A very vibrant, bright blue. "Sorry about that, I wasn't watching where I was going." I said. She let out a soft chuckle. "It's alright! Don't stress it! My name's Osaka Hayashi,

but you can call me Osaka-Chan!" I smiled then replied, "What class are you in?" She paused and looked at her time table. "Class 021! You?" I was in the same class, but I didn't want to say it because we just headbutted each other. I just grabbed her hand

and started walking as an instant reaction. "Hey?! Where are we going?! Let go of me!!!" She screamed at me the whole way there. "Yuukari Kazane. As of today, I'm your classmate." She looked confused because I had never actually shown up, but she

walked in and told me to sit next to her. "I don't have a lot of friends in this class, so I'm glad you're here Yuukari-Chan!" I'm confused. She wants to be my friend? But why? We had just met. "You don't know me, why would you want to be MY friend?"

She stopped talking when the sensei walked in. The rest of the day went pretty normal until the last class of the day. "Hey Yuukari-Chan! Wait up!" That voice sounds familiar. I looked behind me and there he was. Kaito Suzuki. The bully of the school, and

also my ex. "What do you want from me, Senpai?" He laughed at me and wrapped his arm around my shoulder. "You know I love you, Yuukari-Chan! I love you so much!" He always says that. "No you don't, Kaito." He looked shocked that I didn't call

him Senpai, but I could care less. I stormed off and went to my locker. Turns out me and Osaka-Chan had lockers right next to each other. "Oh, hi Osaka-Chan." She had jumped up as if she was startled. I never knew my voice could scare someone, but she's

probably not used to me yet. "Oh, hi Yuukari-Chan!! Surprised you're still here!" I was kind of confused, because we still had one more session, but I just walked to my locker. "So, you have a thing with Senpai?" "Used to. I don't talk to Kaito anymore. He

doesn't deserve the respect he thinks he does." She
looked at me shocked. "But he's the top of the whole
school?! I don't understand." I sighed. I don't like
talking about me and Kaitos past relationship, it was
far too toxic. And to my surprise, I don't like guys.

"Well, things change. We have issues of our own.
End of discussion." I grabbed my stuff from my
locker and slammed it closed, storming away. I
never talked to someone about him, mostly because
no one has asked. And I would like to keep it that

way. But perhaps I was a little too harsh with Osaka-
Chan. I looked back and waited for her to finish
getting her stuff. She looked at me confused.
"Yuukari-Chan!!!! What are you waiting for?!"
"Isn't it obvious?! I'm waiting for you!" She looked

astonished and satisfied at the same time. "I'll catch
up, Yuukari-Chan!!" The rest of the day was pretty
boring. I was walking home and I heard that voice
again. "Fancy seeing you walk this path, Yuukari-
Chan!" Yup, you guessed it. Kaito. I ignored him as

much as possible but at the next few lights he
managed to get my attention. He grabbed me by the
arm. "Yuukari-Chan." He looked sad. I guess I
should spare him some sympathy. "5 minutes, Kaito.
Then I'm leaving for good." "Yuukari, I don't want

us to be enemies. But I don't want us to be close
again." Okay. Rude?! He just told me to my
face he doesn't wanna be close again when
TIME. "Not like that, Yuukari-Chan. I want an

answer. Why are you distant? Why do you HATE
me.?" ... I waited. I looked at him, and he was tearing
up, like he has wanted to ask this for a long time
now. "Kaito. I don't like guys." WHAT THE FUCK?

BULLY? WTF WTF- "Hahaha. Yuukari, that's all
you had to say!" Huh? He's not mad? He doesn't
find me gross and disgusting? "What. Kaito. Are you
kidding me. You aren't mad?" "Nope! Not one bit. I
knew it. You're a lesbian. I see the way you looked

at Osaka-Chan! It's so obvious!" Ohmygod
ohmygod ohmygod was it that obvious?! "
"Look, Kaito. I have to go. But, text me?" He stood
there shocked, and then joyful. "Ofcourse, Yuukari-
Chan!" I walked away slowly then ran home. I kind

of missed my bed not gonna lie. It's comfortable.
Right when I entered the house I ran to my bedroom
and hopped on my bed. I slept pretty late, then
something unexpected happened. I woke up to a text
from Kaitos' phone. It was a picture of him. But...

When Eyes Meet || A lesbian fictional story ||Where stories live. Discover now