When Eyes Meet: Chapter 2 || Bloody Lipstick || A lesbian fictional story ||

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....But he wasn't alive. And from the looks of it, he didn't take that picture either. I felt uncomfortable. I locked my windows and doors and went to bed. In the morning, I had asked my sister to drive me to school and she agreed. Although, she did not know

about what happened. As soon as I arrived at school I ran to Osaka-Chan and hugged her tightly. We had agreed to walk home together yesterday snd she must have forgot. "Osaka-Chan! You forgot." She looked worried. "Oh yeah! Sorry about that

Yuukari-Chan! I spaced out. Maybe today?" It was odd though, because I watched her go the same direction as Kaito yesterday, and Kaito and her live on opposite sides. "Okay, definitely today." As soon as the bell rang i went to class. Osaka kept staring at

me. All day, every minute, every hour. She looked like she was so interested in me. At the end of the day, I was walking to my locker. A mysterious girl came up to me. She had hazel eyes and brown hair. "Hey, wait up! You dropped your notebook!" I took

the notebook back and nodded as I said thank you. "I'm Mai Takahashi! It's nice to meet you." As we continued talking, getting to know each other, I noticed Osaka-Chan staring from a distance. staring right at us. As if she was upset about something. But

when she saw me looking back she turned away. Was she jealous? Did she not want me talking to other girls? Maybe she just happened to be looking at us at the same time she was crying. I'm sure it's not a big deal. When me and Mai finished talking we

agreed to walk home together with Osaka-Chan. I went to my locker and grabbed my stuff. "Are you ready, Osaka-Chan?" She looked at me and nodded. We we're walking home together as Mai had ran up and hugged me from behind. "Yuukari-Senpai!" I

was confused. I'm not used to younger grades calling me Senpai. "Hello Mai. Why did you call me Senpai?" She laughed with no reply so I brushed it off. "Welp, this is my stop!" I was upset, I didn't want Mai to leave. She has such a kind soul. She has

beautiful eyes and an amazing personality. I hugged her and gave her a kiss on the forehead. She turned flustered. "You alright, Mai-Chan?" "Oh uh- Yes Yuukari-Senpai! Goodbye, and have a great evening." "Goodnight, Mai-Chan." She ran off and

as soon as that happened, Osaka-Chan had disappeared. I was so confused but I kept walking until I got home. I ate some toast and Udon, it was delicious. I took a shower, then went to my room. My phone buzzed so I checked it. It was an unknown

number. They sent me a picture of Mai. Dead. Snd her head chopped off. I tried to stop thinking about it, and just watched videos on my phone. I started thinking about Osaka-Chan. In a way I had never before. I thought about kissing her on the lips. And then her neck. And then....

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