1. Muzan x reader

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Fandom: Kimetsu no Yaiba: Demon Slayer

Warnings: brief mentions of violence, no beta, was originally a yandere one shot so those elements are still there,

Word count: 627

Summary: The Reader gets hurt and Muzan is not happy.

Pronouns: she/her

┌─────── ∘°∘♡∘°∘ ───────┐

You stood in front of the counter and dipped the cutlets into the breadcrumbs, with one of the last steps done you put them into the oven.

You stared at the oven while your mind slowly started to wander to what had happened a few days ago.


You walked down the street with your bag in hand, you had done some late-night shopping. Muzan had gone away for a business trip and you wanted to make a surprise dinner for when he came back.

Walking by a dark alleyway you heard a voice slur, "Hey doll, whats a thing like you doing here~"

A strong feeling of dread shot through your heart as the man came stepped out from the alley in front of you.

He was obviously drunk, his eyes were half-lidded and he reeked of sake.

You took a step back at his sudden appearance, "Aww, don't be like that." He tightly grabbed your wrist to keep you in place.


You pulled your hand back and started to run back to your house, after slamming the door you slowly slid down to the floor and tried to regain some of your composure.


The ding of the timer pulled you out of your thoughts and reminded you that it was time to flip the cutlets.

After another four minutes, you platted the tonkatsu and added some rice and sauce on a platter.

You stared at the bruise that had formed on the wrist the stranger had grabbed. In the days after the encounter, you had been able to hide it under the sleeve of your yukata. Now that it has gotten darker you had started to worry about what would happen if Muzan had found out.

Muzan greeted you with a hug and a kiss when he came through the door, "I've missed you so much, love."

"I've missed you too." You wrapped your arms around his waist and placed a kiss on his neck.

You both made your way over to the dinner table and started to eat, in between bites you had a conversation about what happened on his business trip, you had neglected to mention the encounter with the drunk you had so it came as a shock when he suddenly saw a rather large bruise around your wrist.

He unexpectedly stood up and grabbed your arm, making sure not to touch your bruise.

"Who hurt you?" he sounded concerned yet angry at the same time

"I'm not sure, I don't know his name..."

"Where did it happen?"

"Somewhere by the market."

"Ah", he seemed lost in thought for a moment before his browns furrowed lightly and his voice softened, "are you hurt anywhere else?"

"No, he just grabbed my wrist, nothing else. "

He smirked faintly, "That's good."

"Darling, please. He didn't do anything severe." You pleaded.

"He could have and he tried. I won't allow someone like that to continue their life. I'll kill him for you."

It took roughly half an hour of pleading and bargaining to convince him not to track down and murder the stranger.

After the whole ordeal, you felt quite tired. Now you were both in bed, cuddling up to each other and basking in the comfortable silence between the two of you.

"The safest place in the world is with me," he said, breaking the silence.

You said nothing, only pulling him closer to you.

Just as you were about to doze off, you felt him shift and let go of you. You could vaguely make out him getting out of bed and walking over to the bedroom door.

The last thing you saw was his back turned to you, you were aware enough to know it but too tired to stop it.

└─────── °∘∘♡∘∘° ───────┘

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