1. Aren x reader - あざ

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A/N: watch me violate the 'show don't tell' rule

Fandom: The disastrous life Saiki K

Genre: Fluff

Warnings: Implied violence, Intrusive thoughts(?),

Word count: 340

Summary: Reader patches up Aren after he comes home roughed up.

Pronouns: They/Them

You stared at your phone screen, Aren was now a full half-hour late for the date you two had planned weeks prior

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You stared at your phone screen, Aren was now a full half-hour late for the date you two had planned weeks prior. Seeing no new texts from him, you turned off your phone and set it down next to you.

The popcorn that you had made earlier was now already gone, the only things remaining in the bowl was unpopped kernels and some leftover spices.

The brief moment of silence that followed felt like an eternity, at first your thoughts were filled with worry about things that could have happened to Aren. Then, slowly, the thoughts started to get more intrusive, you wondered if this was his way of telling you that he wanted to break up, that he didn't want you anymore.

All of your thoughts were suddenly interrupted by your front door being abruptly thrown open.

Aren walked in, slightly stumbling, there were small spots of blood on his dirty and torn up clothes.

You quickly ran over to him, making sure that he wouldn't fall over you set him down on your couch.

"Aren what happened?" you cried.

"'Got into a fight," he muttered.

"What? Why?"

The only response you got to your frantic questioning was a low groan.

You slowly started walking towards your bathroom, once inside you set him down on your toilet and took out disinfectant, cotton, bandages and plasters.

You started to apply disinfectant to the smaller cuts on his knuckles before placing a small blue band-aid on each of them. After all this was done you placed a gently kiss on each of the injuries. A large blush spread across his face before he looked to the side abruptly.

While you were carrying him to your couch you noticed he was still blushing, though less vibrant. You two briefly made eye contact before he muttered, "T-Thanks" and quickly looked away again.

You gently laid him down on your couch before laying down next to him.

"O-Oh" his face suddenly got even redder than before and he slowly wrapped his arms around your waist.

"O-Oh" his face suddenly got even redder than before and he slowly wrapped his arms around your waist

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