Chapter 8

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"Attention Hester High," Penelope announced over the speakers. Everyone in Amy's 2nd hour period perked up, suddenly curious about the disruption of their learning.
"The 2015 prom will be hosted on April 17th. The theme this year will be The Great Gatsby. All grades are permitted, tickets are $25. Thank you."
Kids were riled, looking around, figuring out who and how to ask. Amy sat back in her chair, watching the commotion and picking at her nail polish. She wanted to invite Karma. She really did. She wanted her girlfriend and her best friend to come. But she was terrified. She was scared what people would think, especially after the 'faking being lesbians' debacle last year. She was also afraid that Karma's fear of being out would push Amy away once again. Right after Reagan's distance would come Karma's, and considering the rate at which Amy was going, the separation of the girls seemed quite inevitable.
Amy slumped in her chair, worried about a situation that didn't happen for another 2 weeks. She had no idea how to handle the situation.

K ~ A

Amy and Karma sat on a picnic blanket outside of the school, underneath a shady oak tree with green leaves falling around them. Amy was laying on her back, Karma on her stomach. When Amy had asked why Karma was so open outside, she had just said that it was because no one really walked by that often. If Amy argued, Karma would leave, so Amy kept her mouth shut.
She loved the feeling of the brunette's head on her chest. The feeling of their chests moving, hearts beating slowly, limbs tangled.
Amy had her eyes closed, thinking about the family dinner she was supposed to have tonight. Apparently her mom wanted her to have a chat with them all about her recent 'coming out'.
Suddenly, Karma shot up, looking down at Amy.
"Karma, what's wrong?" Amy asked quietly, wanting to soak up more sun before lunch was over.
"Amy, will you go to prom with me?"

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