Chapter 10

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We chilled out for a long while. I had got to know more about John. Overall, he's cool.

"I want to get to know you now" John says.
I wasn't really paying attention. But I heard him. It took me while.

"Oh yeah?, my bad I was in the zone." I say
"" He's trying to think of a question.
"So do you have any siblings?" He says.
"Yeah, one. He's 15. " I say. I just noticed, he's like an older Will. Probably worst than him.

"Oh, what's your favorite color" he asks. I'm getting bored of this.

"Red" I say. I look at Jay I see him laying on his bed throwing his basketball up and down, close his face.

Sooner rather than later, he asked a billion and one questions.

"Aye Jay you got any game systems or shit?" John says.

"Huh" Jay says. He looks at him, throwing the ball simultaneously. He lost focus and the ball smacks him in the face. I laugh.
"Stupid" I say.
Jay was rubbing his face.

"Uhh, I think it's plugged up" he says.

"Okay" John says.
I decided to call Sam. I want to have a decent conversation about something. We've been dating for like a month and almost a half. We really haven't argued yet. That's a good thing. She did got mad at me when I beat that dude repeatedly though.
The call starts ringing.

"Hello?" Sam says.
"Hey" I say.
"Hey, what you doing?" She asks.
"Oh nothing, we just chilling. Not really chilling because the room is getting hot again"
She laughs.
We basically was talking for a while.

"We should take John to our target range." Jay says directly to me.
What the fuck? Firing range. You basically teaching him how to be more like him. John eyes widen.

" I don't think that's a good idea..." I say.
"Why not?" Jay says to me.
"Yeah, why not?" John adds.
I froze. I look at both then I shrug my shoulders.

"Yeah, I thought so" Jay says. He gets up and stretched.

"So you really are about to do this?" I say.

"Come on. Don't be a party pooper." John tells me.

"Go ahead... I don't care" I say.
Jay walks over to his closest. He looks down. To his safe. He starting push buttons. It beeps. I heard the safe door opens. He takes out his gun. Then he went back in the safe, he picked up a sound suppresser.

"We don't want nobody calling us. For shooting at shit" Jay says.
I didn't say anything.

"We are going to go to that area, near the forest." Jay continued.

"Sure..." I say.

"Let's go" Jay says.

"Yes" John says.
We walked down the stairs to the front door. Me and John was ahead because, Jay had to let his parents know that we going out somewhere.

"You wanna ride shotgun?" I say.

"Nah, I'm good" he says.
I clicked the unlock button. The car chirps. I got in the front passenger seat. While John got in the back. We soon see Jay coming out the front door. Closing the door behind him. He jogs to the car. I put the key in, turning on the engine. Jay walks to the driver seat. He drove off the curb. Riley Forest is not so far away from here. So it shouldn't take long to get there.

We were having conversations about how bitches want everything but don't give back most of the time. Jay and John says that it's true. I say it's not most of the time. Basically I was getting jumped.

We arrived at the forest. Nobody was here. Which was good. People were going to take flight if they see people shooting at miscellaneous shit. I got out of the car. So did the others. We were walking deeper to the field. There was a couple bottles around. Jay picked them up and stood them up. There was a lot of space between them. They all were in different places. Then Jay lifted his shirt to take the gun out. Then he takes out the suppresser. He put it on. Then he took the clip to see if it was full.

"Yeah it's full" he whispers.

"Come on here john." Jay say.
I stood back. It's better to be behind him than on the side of him.

"See, you put the clip in like this..." Jay closes the magazine.
"Then you cock the shit"
He pulls the chamber.
"Careful now, it's loaded. It's not no damn Call Of Duty game. It's real life."
He slowly puts it in john hand.

John slightly laugh.
"It's heavy" John says.
"I know. Be careful man."
I walked up closer to him. I wanted to see this. John slowly draws the gun.
"Shoot that bottle, on the left."
He starts shaking a little.
He slowly pressed on the trigger.
He shot. He misses.
"Fuck." John says.
He tries again. He misses again.
He tries another time. He shot the glass.
"Good job bro" Jay says.

There were a lot of bottles. And John missed a lot of shots. So much Jay had to put in a new magazine.

"Let me show you how I do it" Jay says.
Jay draws his gun and shot at one glass bottle first shot.
Then another one.
Another one.
And another one.

"Damn" John says.
"You good" he added.

"Yeah I know, well you can get just like me. Practice makes perfect." Jay says.

Just like him? I thought.

I bit my lip again.
It was getting darker. So we decided to turn back around.
Maybe I shouldn't care much. Maybe I'm just worrying too much.

"Yeah, just like you." John says.
He wants to be just like him. A role model.

Not all role models don't always do good things.

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