Magnet for Trouble

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The flowery meadows of her home spread far and wide, as far as the eye could see. The scent of nature was evident as it mixed and swirled perfectly with the gentle breeze. It eased her worries, loosened her tension as she stood upon the hilltop watching the sun begin to settle over the horizon. The cherry blossom tree's around her waved in the wind allowing just a few to fall around her.

She reached out, her small milky white hand catching onto one such pink blossom to which she closed her hand around it and brought it closer. Her lavender orbs inspected the small blossom before the wind caught up to her and blew it away from her hand. Her long silky red hair billowed in the wind as she watched, almost transfixed how the blossom seemed to dance among the wind as it left her.

''I figured I'd find you out here...'' a warm voice filled with love for her and her alone spoke up behind her and she gave a hum of content to the presence of her beloved. She felt him brush up against her while his arms wrapped around her in a gentle embrace from behind. Leaning into his arms the woman sighed in content as she felt the hypnotic beat of his heart and the steady rise and fall of his chest. She reached up holding his arms with her own and as she stood there with him, in the arms of her beloved and she let out a giggle from his question.

''But of course love, this is my only getaway from those annoying nobles and councilors father puts up with. Plus, it's the only place I can unwind and relax, carefree of what is happening out there in the world.'' the words left her in nothing more then a solemn whisper, but he heard her clearly.

He sighed as he tightened his hold on her before he looked up above them to view among the many sakura tree's, the tallest among them. The Great Shinju, stood tall, imposing yet beautiful as ever. Than he looked back down at the one being whose beauty made the Shinju pale in comparison.

''I know hime...I know...'' he mumbled as he planted his head atop of her. The way he snuggled his way throw her hair and into the crook of her shoulder made her shiver in desire. Oh, everything about this man just sent her over the edge and her self control slip. The influence he had on her was staggering, his presence sent her heart rapidly beating, threatening to burst out from her chest. He was intoxicating to her, her love and passion she felt for this man was unequal just as it was for him.

''But just you wait, one day, I will wipe away all that threaten us. I will forge us a home, a sanctuary for us to live, free of the hate, the violence and the death. A place for only us, to live peacefully, a place for us to truly forge the family we've always wanted. Just give me time, my love.'' his words filled her with ease, settling all doubts she had about the War. He just had that type of power over her, to ease her stress and relief her of the chaos that happened around them.

He was everything men strived to become; he was charismatic, capable of raising the moral of their soldiers even in the most darkest of times and lead them to turning the tables on their enemies and pull out a victory. He was strong, in both body and mind, kind to everyone and loving to her and her alone. He had his honor and pride yet he was humble before her. Everything about him she loved, from his gentle kisses and sweet heartfelt compliments to his loving embrace when they made love.

She turned around in his arms only to wrap hers around his neck as she pushed herself up against him. Her deep lavender orbs stared up into those pools of liquid sapphire that to this day left her in a trance. It was one of the things about him that pulled her to him when they met when they were just kids. Her hands ran through his long spiky golden locks, feeling his hair run between her fingers as his hands ran up and down her back in soft soothing motions.

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