Chapter 1

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Before you start the story,
The picture on top is not mine and I give all credits to the rightful owners.

!!Boruto's pov!!
Boruto watched as sasuke-sensei knocks a few shinobi senseless, within seconds, at that.
Normally Boruto wouldn't have been surprised, I mean it was sasuke-sensei after all, the only shinobi who could rival the seventh hokage in strength, but seeing a teenage version of the ravenette ought to put you at unease.

Boruto was a shinobi though, and shinobi's were prepared to face the worst of the worst. He was Already eyeing every plausible exit he has, for a quick run.

Your probably wondering what's happening so let's start from the beginning.


"Himawari! Stop running off like that on your own! Mama asked me to look after you and I can't do that when you keep taking off on your own without telling me!" Exclaimed an exasperated Boruto while running after his sister.
His little sister could be so troublesome some times.
She was currently leading him,
Through a Forrest repeating that she wanted to show him some thing cool.

In the end she had led him to a tree. Boruto thought his sister had lost it, dragging him through the entire Forrest to find a single tree. He had considered that the tree was huge and all  but it's not like he hasn't seen huge trees before. They'd passed plenty on the way there. That's when he looked around. The yard behind the tree was magnificent. Nothing like the dull and green forest they had just passed. It was filled with flowers of different colours. Daffodils, sunflowers, roses, you name it and you'd find it all scattered around and arranged beautifully. He'd wondered if anyone knew about this place. It would have been the perfect spot to have a family picnic his mother would comment.

Boruto didn't realise how far into the forest they had come. His father had once told him about the deadly creatures who inhabited that forest but so far he couldn't even spot a snake. Even the stuffed bear Himawari was holding was probably more scary then anything that lived in here. Forget what he said there was nothing more scary than the stuffy Himawari was holding. It had been the cause for his father to miss his own inauguration.

A few moments passed in silence before his sister interrupted. "Isn't this place pretty onii-chan? I found it when I was playing in here." Himawari said.
"Why we're you even playing in here in the first place?!" Yelled her concerned older brother. Himawari gradually ignored his remark before telling him to keep it a secret between the two of them. Boruto readily agreed to that condition though. There was no way he could tell his parents without them finding out that he had lost his sister.

They played around for a good while. Himawari Laughing and giggling as Boruto told her what happened in the contents of his week often exaggerating some stuff that happened hence, the laughter. Boruto decided it was nice hanging out with his little sister. He didn't have all the time in the world since graduating from the academy so He would take note to spend more time with her.

Time flew by fast without them noticing. The sun was already setting and the forest could get really really dark. Not that he was afraid of that or anything it was just that they might lose their way. "Hima! Come on let's go home it's getting kinda late, Mama is probably back already." Boruto called out to his sister. "Onion-chan, I can't.. I can't.." Hearing the distressed voice of his sister made him concerned. "Onii-chan! I can't find onion-chan!" Himawari was nearing tears. The stuffed bear she was carrying in her arms an hour or so ago seemed to be no where in sight.

Realising that it would probably get to dark for them to find their way home if they stay here any longer Boruto offered to find her stuffed toy while Himawari went home first. "Hima if I'm not back within an hour or two, tell mama I'm probably still in the forest!" He called out to the retreating back of his sister. Looking for the bear had been one of the most tedious tasks he'd ever been through. The sun was no where to be found and he could barely navigate which way he was going to know anything more. Maybe if he had the byakugan this would be an easier task.

Boruto's thoughts were interrupted by a red light beaming from the large tree Hima wanted to show him. It was captivating, almost as if asking him to walk towards it.

Without him even knowing it he was starting to climb the tree persuing the hypnotising red light. When he finally touched it, it glowed a bright green, surprising him. He fell to the ground. The last thing he thought of was if his sister was safe at home.

Boruto's body was sprawled on the floor of the forest as he tries to regain his senses. The last thing he remembered was falling out of a tree. I guess that explains the pain and discomfort. Another thing he also remembers has some thing do with it being the dead of night but, now the sun was shining quite brightly. Then he here's a voice not so far away, he's half expecting it to be the search ninja his dad had probably sent out to go and find him.


Uchiha Sarada was not one to panic easily. In fact She was considered one of the most level headed ninja in her generation so, when she finds out that her idiot team mate was missing she did what she did best and tried to asses the situation calmly. 'Missing' was a bit of a stretch if you'd asked her. I mean it's barely been a day but, they'd looked everywhere for him. When her mother told her what happened she was tasked to look after Himawari so aunt Hinata could join the search for her son. The girl was a crying mess, after getting her to calm down she'd explained that she'd lost her Teddy bear and Boruto had gone looking for it, instructing her to go home but he hadn't returned.

When night fell and they still hadn't found him, she  started to worry. It wasn't like Boruto to just disappear without telling anyone. She found out from Shikadai that the adults thought enemy nin were at play as there was some form of foreign chakra coming from the forest that night.

That night she didn't get any sleep at all. Deciding to check the forest out for herself she grabbed a flashlight and headed straight into the dark area. She would search for a while to satisfy herself, the need to find him, immediately.

Sarada kept searching for a while until she started to get tired. Not giving up she trudged her legs across the muddy fields as she tried not to let the eerie silence get to her. She finally stumbled upon a huge tree. Deciding she could continue her little search tomorrow, She took a few steps back,When her back colided with something. When she turned her head she realised it was something like a dome. Like it was blocking anyone from entering the place beyond the tree and her from leaving but how did she get in? Her thoughts were cut off when a red light beamed from the tree. She found herself climbing the tree for dear life as if she'd fall to her death if she'd stopped. When she reached the top the toxic red turned into a bright green.

The last thing she thought of was if Boruto was going to be safe wherever he was .

When she wakes up, the morning sun shines brightly above her. She must have slept through the night she guesses. A moment later Sarada hears some feet shuffling next to her as she passes out again.

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