Author's Note

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It's been the worst affront and treachery by Man against the Creator of the Universe to ever contemplate equating or even comparing the inconceivable powers of the Creator with the infinitesimal powers of a passé referred to as Satan and the never existed Devil. This indolent distrust had disruptively diverted the World's glorious trajectory to the Heavens and cast it in deep oblivion. A veil of stagnation had thus befallen the World, and derailing the hitherto simplistic pathway to HEAVEN.

This book reveals the grossly misunderstood Creator, awakens Man from the tranquilizing distortions on the pulpits, and fills the apparent huge gap caused by the vehement refusal of the Faith-based institutions to find one united voice on the Creator.

Holy books last recorded Miracles on earth about two millennia ago and stopped ever since but this Manual updates and captures all, inclusive of the further magnificence of now and showcasing the continuum in existence.

Obtain the underlying spiritual Visa here today and avail self with the shortest and unfettered pathway to the Heaven's gate, where the Creator is 'holidaying' and awaiting reunion with HIS returning 'Ambassadors' from all who encountered the 'melting pot' called the World.


Wanna, Emma C



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