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Marriage put succinctly, is a union usually between male and female humans with a formal or collaborative agreement to cohabit and jointly own their bodies. The formalisation of the union could be by a sacred solemnization in conformity with the practices in a chosen faith, court registry, cultural or native arrangement, or just an entirely open relationship in collaborative nature without  necessarily any ceremonies, depending however, on the prevailing conditions of the applicable community on marriage .

People get entangled in marriages for any one or more of the under listed reasons:

1. Love;
2. Sympathy;
3. Economic reasons;
4. Procreation;
5. Payment of Debt;
6. Domestic help;
7. Sexuality;
8. Protective security;
9. Gift;
10. Inheritance;
11. Ritualistic ;
12. Cultural demands; and
13. Forced marriage Etc.

Each of the listed reasons has its peculiar cause and effect, as well as effective life span for different couples in plural communities. There is hardly a fast and straight rule to achieving a fully consummated or endured marriage except when it is anchored on strictly unbreakable taboo, fiercely protective occultist arrangement, or when it's a marriage between two people of which at least one of whom possesses exceptional capacity for extreme tolerance, in which case the one plays the fool.

The marriage institution is currently heavily afflicted with pressures and the realities of freedom, growing sophistication in civilisation, education, and awareness, coming from the increasing clamour for education and survival realities of the present day. While a sizable number of marriages would be said to be successful and consummated, it has become trendy and worrisome today that increasing number of marriages are either short-lived or enmeshed in webs of unscrupulous and disjointed domestic problems due to extensive incongruities that were faceless and incognito at the birth of the union.

Human beings relish freedom as they are variously wired with freewill and independence from birth. However, the female human in mostly underdeveloped nations are yet to savour the benefits of freedom in marriage as they fall victims of denials coming from primordial cultural practices that removed from their fair share in the marriage independence. For some odd cultural beliefs, lack of knowledge, educational backwardness, and insufficient legal protections, the woman usually holds the short end of the stick of independence in the marriage.

Although for ages, both human genders suffer numerous forms of injustice against each other in the union, the special case of the female human is appalling, ranging from deprivation to seclusion, brazen infidelity by spouses, and they are even caged in solitude to shield them from advances or vulnerability from the opposite sex while the male counterparts wander freely at their fancy. This situation is common in developing nations, where education and freedom are barely functional and practiced with the reckless backings of unchallenged cultural restrictions.

The females have no voice in the underdeveloped societies and are just seen as mere acquisitions for the purposes of sexual appeasement or mere reproduction factory. Because of their physical inequalities in muscular feats and vigour relative to the males, females in marriages are oftentimes unfortunately referred to in some obscure segments of the World as personal farms whereby they are restricted and reduced to glorified house helps,  sex objects for reproductions, and mere cooks for the master husbands.

Our forbearers should  be praised, who all along had introduced to this fundamentally complex institution, laws that sanitized its operations , averted disasters and preserved the institution fairly remarkably thus far, despite the host of variety of tribes with diverse cultures, and persuasions in the globe. It is better not to imagine what the entire World would have witnessed today had our forbearers not put in place some kind of laws like the 'one man one wife only' or 'one man four wives maximum', or 'one wife two children only', among others, which tamed the institution for centuries in many climes.

Although no type of laws could offer a completely suitable regulation for the marriage institution due to Man's unbending attachment to cultural pronouncements, insatiable tastes for flesh and the libido factors,  and general restiveness, but appreciable levels of sanity reined over time until the presently rampant downslide in the institution due to the infiltration of advanced awareness. The downslide in marriage is trending perhaps as good tidings on account of increasing levels of appreciation in education and civilisation. The  irrepressible general public awareness, is aptly liberating the weak and the cheated from the shackles of unfair marriages. This development is however often ignorantly misjudged in some parlance to be the beginning of the end time prophesied by faith institutions that certainly would never come to be in this eternal World.

There will not be any end time coming and humans in marriages, as is typical with nature, would always set out to have the full controls of affairs at homes. This is true with both genders except when either is subdued or convinced to exercise restraint by deploying mutually acceptable reasoning. The elements of transactional freedom is evoked here, in which case, AGREEMENT supersedes mere emotions. Therefore, in the absence of mutually beneficial agreement to weld marriages properly, regardless of the delicate love always taunted at the baseline of some affairs, there would hardly be peace in marriages.

Legal pacts in addition to marriage vows are probably the way the wind should blow in the nearest future to correct the imbalances in marriages. People who had been in marriage bondages, experiencing various forms of restrictions tied to marriages are increasingly ditching their marriages, owing to the fresh air of freedom manifestly attached to the rise in formal EDUCATION and improved civilisation today. Hence, the marriage institution unlike it's purveyors- the native cultures, faith institutions, cults and occult societies which are fast declining, is rather transforming aided by the fast growing influences of education, agreements, modernity, and civilization.

The disadvantaged in marriage  get agitated by the derogating situations confronting them in the marriage arrangement against which they get emboldened enough to damn the societal norms and opt out of the marriage by suing for divorce and other restraining orders for fundamental human rights, or even taking to the streets,  abandoning the marriage on truancy and self AWOL. As a result, the affliction of divorce and broken marriages has gained enormous footing in the society and permeating all segments of the world without restrictions.

Let it be noted that even though procreation is a reason for marriage, but almost all the reasons for marriages are open to reproduction because marriage involves couples cohabiting and surrendering their bodies to each other under the silent existence of warmth and the libido factors. Except reproduction is restricted by the Authorities, it should be noted that unmarried couples also could indulge in reproduction which is a free thing not restricted to happening only within the precincts of matrimonial beds. Bearing offspring(s) outside the walls of marriage has even become so rampant and already trending in many climes with a form of air of accomplishment for the mothers who relish their freedom as single parents, observing their fundamental rights and privacy laws.

Respite for the institution for either continuity in reforms or a natural end shall come only from strengthened EDUCATION for all humanity and at the fullest understanding of AGREEMENTS as contained in this book. However, at the full development of Agreements and the grasping of Education as contained in chapters 8 and 11 of this book respectively, marriage as we know it today will be either tidier through formal agreements or be phasing out as is already trending now. The emerging world of marriage would be relying more on agreement and mutual respect based on the positions of strength for both couples, as in what each is bringing to the table of marriage, as well as the extant laws on human reproductions by the host communities rather than the viciousness of cultural and religious laws.

Summarily, marriage in reality is still a complex arrangement in some climes especially in less civilised nations, where culture and faith institutions hold sway as the unquestionable and unchallengeable taboos. Woe betides a grown female in such environments who is not in any form of marriage to save her remorse against societal rebuke and other degrading consequences. It is clear that universal Education and Agreement are the panacea for the troubling subject of marriage degradation as the World gravitates towards the Heavens.


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