Chapter: 15

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Davina's POV:

I woke up in a room a dark room.
The sun is still up but the room is dark. I push myself of the bed and walk around. I see a guitar in a corner. On the other side of the room there is a seating chair.
The walls are black or grey.
I like it, it has its own way of being art. Okay I never really was a art person, but i can tell when someone puts everything into something.
To get eventually something beautiful out of it. I open the black door and walk out of the room. And I see the familiar surroundings.
I am at the Mantion, obviously Isaac did bring me here.
I walk along the hallway and find the stairs. I never been inside of his room but it was a good experience.
I go to the Kitchen and see everyone being busy.
I say, the next thing I know is that someone is hugging me and squishing me to death.
,,My God Davina I missed you so much! You were gone for so long!"
Kenzzy yells at my ear.
I hug her a little bit awkwardly back.
When she pulls away I start to breathe again.
,,It is great to see you to Kenzzy."
I smile at her, i really did miss her she is a beautiful person.
Today I am really saying all the time Beautiful.
Maybe that is my thing, like calling things Beautiful. Okay that is just to much of one word.
,,You were gone to long woman! Like we got a new Bodyguard and let me tell you he is hot!"
She wisper yells at me.
,,His name is Gilbert Jackson. He has gorgeous blond hair with curls in them."
I didn't listen anymore to her words because, a sirten someone came to my mind. He has brown hair and those gorgeous Blue eyes.
No one other than Isaac himself.
Even if he isn't around he has my mind rapped around his little finger.
,,And where is that Gilbert you are talking about?"
I ask her she stops talking to me and just looks behind me.
,,Me I am Gilbert."
I turn around to look at a young man probably around his mid twenties towering above both of us.
He holds his hand out for me to shake.
,,Davina..... Davina Parker."
I Shake his hand a little hesitantly.
He gives me bad vibes I don't know why.
,,Pleasure to meet you."
I wicked smile comes to his face, so I think it is one. Don't judge me it just looks like one.
I walk out of the kitchen just to walk into Cody.
He looks stressed and I look at him worried. Yes we don't know each other that good. But he was the first one to talk to me, when he and Isaac broke into my home.
,,Is everything alright Cody?"
He looks up at me and than just faints. I hold him in my arms.
What did just happen?
I yell I hear foot steps running to me and the first person who is by my side is Kenzzy.
Gilbert puts him on the sofa and I go to get some water.
I look at Kenzzy who is clearly also worried. A little to much...
But i will talk to her later about that.
I run to Cody to give him water.
He takes it and than sits back up.
,,You shouldn't sit Cody you fainted just a few seconds ago!"
Kenzzy yells at him angrily.
,,You are just a chef go back to your work."
He tells her in a cold voice. I look at Kenzzy who just turns around and walks away.
,,Cody that wasn't the right thing to say and you know that."
I tell him and sit down beside him.
,,I could tell you the same thing Davina."
He tells me warningly.
,,Now I can see what the problem here is. You like Kenzzy and something happened between you two when we were gone."
I can clearly see shock is written on Cody's face.
,,That isn't true."
He tries to stand up but i don't let him.
,,Now you are denying it- why?"
I look him in the eyes but he is just looking at the ground.
,, Because i can't feel anything for anyone Davina. And Isaac wouldn't be okay with it"
Now he looks at me and I can see pain in the eyes. The same pain I saw seconds ago through Kenzzy's eyes.
I hug him because i think that he needed that hug.
,,What the fuck are you two doing?"
I pull myself away from Cody and look at no one other than Isaac himself.
Cody jumps up and just runs out of the room.
Now I have to deal with a pissed of Isaac.
,,It is not what you think it is."
I tell him and sigh a little.
,,Can you please sit down Isaac."
He looks at me as if he couldn't figure me out.
But he comes closer to me and sits down beside me.
,,Cody is your best friend isn't he?"
I ask him.
,,Yes but what does that have to do with you hugging him?"
I see how he turns his right hand into a fist. I take his hand and put it into mine.
,,He likes clearly somebody.
You know Kenzzy, when we were gone they had something between them."
I tell him i see relief in his eyes and he calms down a little bit.
,,So what do you want me to do?"
Of course he doesn't know what to do....
,,He is your best friend Isaac I think you know what to do. He clearly wants your opinion on this. And I think if it is okay if he dates her."
I can clearly see that Isaac is thinking about it.
He just stands up and walks out of the room without another word.
I hope that Cody and Kenzzy can find there way together.
The second Isaac left the room Gilbert walks in and....


I hope you enjoy this book 😅

If you see anything wrong just text me thank you 🦋💖.

I love you all you are all very wonderful people

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