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Despite being the morning hours, sky was still dark. The breeze helped the soldiers to stay awake in this circumstances yet gave them cold as the price. One has to be patient, especially in times of tensions and possible invasions. 

Basch was watching the mountains and the valleys carefully, with a rifle in his arm, waiting and watching. He get shivers whenever his fingers touched the metal parts of the gun, just one more hour and his duty will be pass to another.

He walked back and forth, watched the wind take away the snow and spin it around, he glanced at the view not as a soldier but as a citizen. He took a deep fresh breath and thanked that he's safe and alive.

He heard footsteps,
and then leaves on the trees
footsteps again,
and the last thing he saw was someone falling on him.

He was knocked down on the snow, his white barret disappeared in them. Only thing he was aware of was his sight, and he was seeing a girl in villagers dress with a basket, rubbing her legs in pain. "Ouch, I ripped my socks again."

He slowly get up on his knees and looked at the girl with his wide green eyes.

"Are you hurt? Where the hell did you come from? Do you have any idea what would this cause?" Basch said without breathing with the power he got from his heart attack. He crawled with his knees to closer to (y/n).

"I'm so sorry, Mr. guard." you begin to ask for forgiveness while thinking how you will explain your mom about how did you ripped your high socks this time. "I just took my goats for graze." Three little goats stuck their heads down the small hill you fallen from and started to make very weak noises.

"Who would take them out this early?" Basch asked furiously while trying to become better at getting up.

"It's not early, it's 6 o'clock."

Basch stared at you. "Are you sure?" he asked calmly. You simply nodded. "Ah, fuck I already overdone my watch." He got up slowly and offered his hand for you. You took it gracefully and get up, tidied your skirt and looked at the guard.

"I can company you back to village if you like sir, I also can offer you fresh milk and some breakfast... as an apology." you said and waited for an answer, the guard just said "how fun" and nodded.

You took the long way and climbed the cliff, while you were carrying the smallest goat, the guard was kind enough to grab the other two. Turns out he was familiar with goat care and told you how to guide them, after hearing how you felt down because of them.

"Oh, I see. Thank you, I won't forget." you showed your gratitude genuinely, also as a reason to look at him. He had a bit long blonde hair, long nose and beautiful green eyes like emeralds. He wasn't too tall compared to other men you know but attractive nonetheless. Yet, you couldn't look any longer because of the embarrassment.

"Do you also have cheese? I crave some right now." He said bluntly and partly for some conversation he didn't get for at least ten hours. You giggled "Of course, you can eat as much as you like."

His boots were crushing the snow underneath, making a sound of fresh baked bread. Perhaps a few drops of grapes next to it... all of them made your stomach growl. Now you were even more embarrassed, but then his stomach also growled before he could even react to yours.

"Good thing my house is close." You tried to fake a giggle, it was worth a shot but the guard didn't change his expression.

"What's your name by the way, I couldn't catch it."

"Me neither, in fact, I couldn't even catch you."

You giggled real this time. "Yeah, it happens. I'm (y/n)"

"Sebastian Zwingli, or just Basch if you don't have time."

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