Chapter One

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After walking a while, you reached your house. You showed Basch to climb the steps to the door while you put the goats back to their cages. You came back, rubbing your hands on your apron and saw Basch waiting there.

"Why didn't you came under the roof?" you asked, he just shrugged. You took your necklace that had the keys to barn and the house and opened the door, and locked it.

"This is our kitchen, you can sit there, I'll bring some wood for the fire." Basch sat on the old wooden chair. It squeeked each time he moved a muscle. His eyes were studying the kitchen. It wasn't much but it felt warm when he looked at flower embroidered towels and little duck paintings on white cupboards. There was one big duck and a small one, it reminded him of someone.

You returned back with some tree branches and placed it inside the oven, lighted it up with a match and waited for them to be enough for melting some cheese. You took a pan out and placed on the stone, cut some cheese from the vases that you use to keep them safe. You quickly begin to mix it.

"You have any bread or ham?" Basch asked.

"Oh, you want to do fondue?" you suggested. Basch nodded. "There is a bowl under boards can you take it for me, I cannot stop string"

Basch stood up and searched for the bowl in cupboards under the counter right next to you "This one?" he asked. You quickly turned right and your skirt took his face in. You screamed in embarrassment and burned your hand with jumping. Basch held your arm so you wouldn't fall. As you looked at him, you saw how red he was too.


"No need for talk." He brushed it off and placed the bowl on the counter.

"If you don't need any help, I'll sleep here." He showed the floor.

"No, no, no, Herr Zwingli! You can rest inside." you protested and made a move to guide him.

"No, here is fine." But he couldn't get through your stubbornness and signature hospitality. You gave Basch your bed to sleep and returned to kitchen for preparing food.

Finally, you chopped the ham and the old bread into cubes and melted the cheese. Although it wouldn't fit and you didn't have anything else, you boiled some water to make tea later on.

You slowly entered the room, saw Basch sleeping. You just stood there and watched how peaceful he is when he is most vulnerable. You took a one step closer and he jumped instantly.

"Woah!" He exclaimed and tried to comprehend where he is, it took him a minute to calm down. You helped him to the kitchen and sat across him.

"Ah, Herr Zwingli, it breaks my heart that you are even alarmed by my footsteps."

"You have a big feet, that must be it." He took a piece of bread into cheese.

"Hope you aren't serious." He smiled a little and shake his head as no.

"It isn't a bad thing, it means you have a strong stance in life and some durability. I respect that, you must be also very careful with your money..."

"Indeed I watch my spendings, its mostly for the animals and... I'm not filling your head am I?"

"Nonsense, go on, tell me about your home economy."

"Alright, so, the quality of the animal feed is linked with the quantity. I trade with local farmers if its needed and mostly take it from nature for free. It makes milk, meat, cheese, water and... something free to burn"

"I see, perks of living countryside."

"I am concerned about the safety sometimes, you see, if you murder me here it would take a year for someone to notice." You both stared at each other with uncanny silence filling the room, only the steaming water is heard. You got up and put some leaves into the water.

"Don't get me wrong, you were just an example. We are neutral but what if invaders come and first thing they see is an alone young girl in a cottage... I don't even want to think about it."

"You don't believe that I can protect you?" His voice got serious

"You are certainly not immune to bullets, are you Basch? I mean, I appreciate it. Using a gun alone makes me fascinated by the soldiers already."

"You cannot use a gun?"

You shake your head as no, "Unfortunately."

Basch stared at the bowl.

"What if I stay here, you cook for me and since its more closer to where my point is, and I teach you to defend yourself and spend the night to protect you?"

"Oh, that's a nice offer but I don't think I can... I don't think I can ask that from you."

"No, it's actually me who cannot ask. You could also pay me visits, no?"

You looked around, it was a sweet thought actually.

"I... accept, thank you... what do you want for dinner?"

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